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« Odgovor #30 poslato: Januar 16, 2012, 09:30:15 »
lepo ti to napredujes  :ok


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« Odgovor #31 poslato: Januar 16, 2012, 16:06:43 »
lepo ti to napredujes  :ok

Zrno po zrno pogaca.  :D


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« Odgovor #32 poslato: Januar 16, 2012, 16:15:23 »
Twenty-SevenDo not imagine that an integral being has the ambition of enlightening the unaware or raising worldly people to the divine realm. To her, there is no self and other, and hence no one to be raised; no heaven and hell, and hence no destination. Therefore her only concern is her own sincerity.


Nemojte pretpostavljati da izvorno bice ima zelju da prosvetli nesvesne ili da uzdigne svetovne ljude na uzviseni nivo.
Za izvorno bice ne postoji ja i drugi, te nema koga da uzidize, nema ni raja ni pakla, te nema ni gde uzdignuti.
Izvorno bice brine samo o svojoj iskrenosti.



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« Odgovor #33 poslato: Januar 17, 2012, 13:13:23 »
Twenty-EightIt is tempting to view the vast and luminous heavens as the body of the Tao. That would be a mistake, however. If you identify the Tao with a particular shape, you won't ever see it.

Primamljivo je smatrati prostrane i svetle rajeve kao Tao.
Ali to je pogresno.
Ako Tao povezemo sa bilo kakvim oblikom, nikad ga necemo videti.


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« Odgovor #34 poslato: Januar 18, 2012, 15:04:55 »
Twenty-NineDon't think you can attain total awareness and whole enlightenment without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania. Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life energy toward the light. Without the discipline to practice them, you will tumble constantly backward into darkness. Here is the great secret: Just as high awareness of the subtle truth is gained through virtuous conduct and sustaining disciplines, so also is it maintained through these things. Highly evolved beings know and respect the truth of this.


Nemojte misliti da mozete desegnuti celokupnu svesnost i potpuno prosvetljenost bez odgovarajuce discipline i rada. 
 To je egomanija.
Odgovarajuci obredi kanalisu vase emocije i zivotnu energiju ka svetlosti.
Bez discipline da ih ponavljate, stalno cete se vracati u mrak.
Ovo je velika tajna: Kao sto je razvijena svest o prikrivenoj istini stecena kroz moralno ponasanje i ocuvanje discipline, tako se i odrzava kroz njih.
Razvijena bica ovo znaju i postuju.


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« Odgovor #35 poslato: Januar 19, 2012, 16:53:31 »
ThirtyWords can never convey the beauty of a tree; to understand it, you must see it with your own eyes. Language cannot capture the melody of a song; to understand it, you must hear it with your own ears. So it is with the Tao: the only way to understand it is to directly experience it. The subtle truth of the universe is unsayable and unthinkable. Therefore the highest teachings are wordless. My own words are not the medicine, but a prescription; not the destination, but a map to help you reach it. When you get there, quiet your mind and close your mouth. Don't analyze the Tao. Strive instead to live it: silently, undividedly, with your whole harmonious being.


Reci ne mogu da opisu lepotu drveta; da bi je razumeli, morate ga videti svojim ocima.
Jezik ne moze da iskaze melodiju pesme; da bi ste je razumeli, morate je cuti svojim usima.
Tako je i sa Tao-om: jedini nacin da ga razumete je da ga sami iskusite.
Prikrivena istina sveta je neizreciva i nezamisliva.
Zato je navise ucinje bez reci.
Moje reci nisu lek, vec recept; nisu cilj, vec mapa da ga dosegnete.
Kada stignete , umirite svoj um i zatvorite usta.
Nemojte analizirati Tao.
Zivite ga: tihi, nepodeljeni, svojim celim harmonicnm bicem.


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« Odgovor #36 poslato: Januar 20, 2012, 15:24:39 »
Thirty-OneThe Tao doesn't come and go. It is always present everywhere, just like the sky. If your mind is clouded, you won't see it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. All misery is created by the activity of the mind. Can you let go of words and ideas, attitudes and expectations? If so, then the Tao will loom into view. Can you be still and look inside? If so, then you will see that the truth is always available, always responsive.


Tao ne dolazi i ne odlazi. On je uvek prisutan, kao nebo.
Ako vam je um pretrpan, necete ga videti, ali to ne znaci da nije tu.
Sve nesrece dolaze kroz aktivnost uma.
Mozete li se osloboditi vezanosti za reci, ideje, stavove i ocekivanja?
Ako mozete, Tao ce se pojaviti.
Mozete li biti mirni i gledati unutra?
Ako mozete, uvidecete da je istina uvek dostupna, uvek se javlja.



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« Odgovor #37 poslato: Januar 21, 2012, 12:50:29 »
Thirty-TwoThe ego says that the world is vast, and that the particles which form it are tiny. When tiny particles join, it says, the vast world appears. When the vast world disperses, it says, tiny particles appear. The ego is entranced by all these names and ideas, but the subtle truth is that world and particle are the same; neither one vast, neither one tiny. Every thing is equal to every other thing. Names and concepts only block your perception of this Great Oneness. Therefore it is wise to ignore them. Those who live inside their egos are continually bewildered: they struggle frantically to know whether things are large or small, whether or not there is a purpose to joining or dispersing, whether the universe is blind and mechanical or the divine creation of a conscious being. In reality there are no grounds for having beliefs or making comments about such things. Look behind them instead, and you will discern the deep, silent, complete truth of the Tao. Embrace it, and your bewilderment vanishes.


Ego kaze da je svet ogroman, a da su cestice koje ga cine male.
Kada se male cestice spoje ogromni svet se pojavi.
Kada se ogromni svet rasclani, male cestice se pojave.
Ego je odusevljen ovim imenima i idejama, ali prikrivena istina je da su svet i cestice isti, niti ogromni, niti mali.
Sve je jednako.
Imena i pojmovi blokiraju shvatanje Velike Jednine. Mudro je ignorisati ih.
Ko zivi kroz ego stalno je zbunjen: ocajnicki zeli da zna da li su stvari velike ili male, da li ima svrhe u njihovom spajanju ili rasclanjivanju, da li je svet slepi mehanizam ili uzvisena kreacija svesnog bica.
U sustini nije moguce opravdati verovanja ili davati komentare na ovu temu.
Umesto toga pogledajte iza njih i videcete duboku, tihu, kompletnu istinu Tao-a.
Prihvatite je i zbunjenost nestaje.



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« Odgovor #38 poslato: Januar 21, 2012, 17:36:34 »
Thirty-ThreeJust as the world can reveal itself as particles, the Tao can reveal itself as human beings. Though world and particles aren't the same, neither are they different. Though the cosmic body and your body aren't the same, neither are they different. Worlds and particles, bodies and beings, time and space: All are transient expressions of the Tao. Unseeable, ungraspable, the Tao is beyond any attempt to analyze or categorize it. At the same time, its truth is everywhere you turn. If you can let go of it with your mind and surround it with your heart, it will live inside you forever.


Kao sto svet moze da se iskaze kroz cestice, tako se i Tao moze iskazati kroz ljudska bica.
Iako svet i cestice nisu isto, nisu ni razlicite.
Iako kosmicko telo i vase telo nije isto, nisu ni razliciti.
Svet i cestice, tela i bica, vreme i prostor su prolazni izrazi Tao-a.
Nevidljiv, neshvatljiv Tao se ne moze analizirati ili kategorisati.
U isto vreme, istina je svuda gde pogledate.
Ako mozete da ga  otpustite umom i obuhvatite srcem, zivece u vama zauvek.


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« Odgovor #39 poslato: Januar 22, 2012, 13:26:40 »
Thirty-FourAll things in the universe move from the subtle to the manifest and back again. Whether the form is that of a star or a person, the process is the same. First, the subtle energy exists. Next, it becomes manifest and takes on life. After a time, the life passes away, but the subtle energy goes on, either returning to the subtle realm, where it remains, or once again attaching to manifest things. The character of your existence is determined by the energies to which you connect yourself. If you attach yourself to gross energies--loving this person, hating that clan, rejecting one experience or habitually indulging in another--then you will lead a series of heavy, attached lives. This can go on for a very long and tedious time. The way of the integral being is to join with higher things. By holding to that which is refined and subtle, she traverses refined and subtle realms. If she enters the world, she does so lightly, without attachment. In this way she can go anywhere without ever leaving the center of the universe.


Sve u univerzumu se krece od prikrivenog ka pojavnom i nazad.
Proces je isti i za zvezde i za ljude.
Prvo, postoji prikrivena energija.
Zatim se pokaze i preuzme neki zivotni oblik.
Posle nekog vremena, zivot prestane, ali prikrivena energija nastavlja da postoji, vracajuci se u prikrivenu oblast ili se ponovo vezujuci za pojavne stvari.
Kvalitet vaseg zivota zavisice od toga za kakavu energiju se vezujete.
Ako se vezete za jake emocije: volite neku osobu, mrzite neku grupu, prezirete neko iskustvo, uzivate u drugom, onda cete imati niz teskih, upletenih zivota.
Ovo moze biti dug i naporan proces.
Izvrno bice se vezuje za uzvisene stvari, drezeci se onoga sto je prefinjeno i suptilno, zivi u prefinjenim i suptilnim svetovima.
Ako udje u svet, to cini lagano, bez uplitanja.
Na ovaj nacin moze da ide bilo gde, a da nikad ne napusti srediste sveta.


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« Odgovor #40 poslato: Januar 23, 2012, 22:35:02 »
Thirty-FiveIntellectual knowledge exists in and of the brain. Because the brain is part of the body, which must one day expire, this collection of facts, however large and impressive, will expire as well. Insight, however, is a function of the spirit. Because your spirit follows you through cycle after cycle of life, death, and rebirth, you have the opportunity of cultivating insight in an ongoing fashion. Refined over time, insight becomes pure, constant, and unwavering. This is the beginning of immortality.


Intelektualno znanje postoji u i od naseg mozga.
Posto je mozak deo tela, koje jednog dana mora nestati, onda ce i zbirka podataka, ma koliko velika i impresivna bila, takodje nestati.
Ali uvid je funkcija duha.
Posto vas duh prati kroz cikluse zivota, smrti i ponovnog rodjenja, imate priliku da stalno razvijate uvid.
Razvijen vremenom, uvid postaje cist, stabilan i nepopustljiv.
To je pocetak besmrtnosti.

« Poslednja izmena: Januar 23, 2012, 22:36:43 panda »


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« Odgovor #41 poslato: Januar 24, 2012, 14:27:53 »
Thirty-SixIt is entirely possible for you to achieve immortality, and to experience absolute joy and freedom forever. The practice of undiscriminating virtue is the means to this end. Practicing kindness and selflessness, you naturally align your life with the Integral Way. Aligning your life with the Integral Way, you begin to eliminate the illusory boundaries between people and societies, between darkness and light, between life and death. Eliminating these illusions, you gain the company of the highest spiritual beings. In their company, you are protected from negative influences and your life energy cannot be dissolved. Thus do you achieve immortality. Remember: it is not that those who cultivate wholeness and virtue in themselves do not encounter difficulties in life. It is that they understand that difficulties are the very road to immortality: by meeting them calmly and openly, however they unfold, and joyfully developing themselves in response to them, they become as natural, as complete, and as eternal as the Tao itself.


Svako moze da dostigne besmrtnost i iskusi potpunu radost i slobodu zauvek.
Ovo mozete postici, ako ste moralni bez diskriminacija.
Ako se dobri i nesebicni, vas zivot se prirodno uskladjuje sa Putem.
Kada vam je zivot uskladjen sa Putem, pocinju da nestaju nestvarne granice izmedju ljudi i zajednice, izmedju svetlosti i mraka, izmedju zivota i smrti.
Uklanjajuci ove iluzije ulazite u drustvo najvisih duhovnih bica, gde ste zasticeni od negativnih uticaja i vasa zivot energija ne moze nestati.
Postajete besmrtni.
Zapamtite: I oni koji razvijaju celovitost i moralnost nailaze na zivotne prepreke.
Ali razumeju da su upravo te prepreke put ka besmrtrnosti: jer ako im pridju smireno i otvoreno, radosno se razvijajuci uprkos njima, prirodno postaju celoviti i vecni kao Tao.


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« Odgovor #42 poslato: Januar 25, 2012, 10:52:38 »
Thirty-SevenA superior person cares for the well-being of all things. She does this by accepting responsibility for the energy she manifests, both actively and in the subtle realm. Looking at a tree, she sees not an isolated event but root, leaves, trunk, water, soil and sun: each event related to the others, and "tree" arising out of their relatedness. Looking at herself or another, she sees the same thing. Trees and animals, humans and insects, flowers and birds: These are active images of the subtle energies that flow from the stars throughout the universe. Meeting and combining with each other and the elements of the earth, they give rise to all living things. The superior person understands this, and understands that her own energies play a part in it. Understanding these things, she respects the earth as her mother, the heavens as her father, and all living things as her brothers and sisters. Caring for them, she knows that she cares for herself. Giving to them, she knows that she gives to herself. At peace with them, she is always at peace with herself.


Uzvisena osoba brine o dobrobiti svih bica.
Prihvata odgovornost za energije koje ispoljava i aktivno i u prikrivenim nivoima.
Gledajuci drvo ne posmatra ga izolovanog, vec vidi koren, lisce, stablo, vodu, zemljiste i sunce kako medjusobno povezani grade drvo.
Gledajuci sebe ili drugog, vidi isto.
Drvece ili zivotinje, ljudi ili insekti, cvece ili ptice su manifestacije suptilne energije koja tece od zvezda kroz univerzum.
Sastajuci i mesajuci se medjusobno i sa elementima zemlje, daju zivot svim zivim bicima.
Uzvisena osoba to razume i shvata da je i njena energija deo toga.
Zato postuje zemlju kao svoju majku, nebesa kao svoga oca i sva ziva bica kao svoju bracu i sestre.
Brinuci o njima, brine o sebi.
Dajuci njima, daje sebi.
U miru sa njima, ona je u miru sama sa sobom.



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« Odgovor #43 poslato: Januar 26, 2012, 15:19:58 »
Thirty-EightWhy scurry about looking for the truth? It vibrates in every thing and every not-thing, right off the tip of your nose. Can you be still and see it in the mountain? the pine tree? yourself? Don't imagine that you'll discover it by accumulating more knowledge. Knowledge creates doubt, and doubt makes you ravenous for more knowledge. You can't get full eating this way. The wise person dines on something more subtle: He eats the understanding that the named was born from the unnamed, that all being flows from non- being, that the describable world emanates from an indescribable source. He finds this subtle truth inside his own self, and becomes completely content. So who can be still and watch the chess game of the world? The foolish are always making impulsive moves, but the wise know that victory and defeat are decided by something more subtle. They see that something perfect exists before any move is made. This subtle perfection deteriorates when artificial actions are taken, so be content not to disturb the peace. Remain quiet. Discover the harmony in your own being. Embrace it. If you can do this, you will gain everything, and the world will become healthy again. If you can't, you will be lost in the shadows forever.


Zasto juriti za istinom, kad ona pulsira u svemu sto jeste i svemu sto nije, ispred vas.
Da li mozete biti mirni i videti je u planini, boru, vama?
Nemojte zamisljati da je mozete dostici sticanjem znanja.
Znanje stvara sumnju, a sumnja stvara zudnju za jos znanja.
Na ovaj nacin se ne mozete zasiti.
Mudra osoba se hrani necim suptilnijim: Hrani se razumevanjem da je imenovano nastalo od neimenovanog, da sve sto jeste izvire iz onoga sto nije, da opisivi svet izvire iz neopisivog.
Pronalazi ovu prikrivenu istinu u samom sebi i postaje potpuno zadovoljna.
I ko moze biti miran i posmatrati sahovsku partiju sveta oko sebe?
Nepromisljeni uvek prave impulsivne poteze, ali mudri znaju da pobedu ili poraz odredjuje nesto prikriveno.
Oni vide da pre svakog povucenog poteza postoji nesto savrseno.
Ova prikrivena savrsenost nestaje ako se deluje vestacki, zadovoljite se neuznemiravanjem mira.
Ostanite mirni.
Otkrijte harmoniju u sebi.
Prihvatite je.
Ako mozeste ovo da uradite, steci cete sve, a svet ce ponovo postati zdrav.
Ako ne mozete, bicete izgubljeni medju senkama zauvek.



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« Odgovor #44 poslato: Januar 27, 2012, 17:36:42 »
Thirty-Nine If you go searching for the Great Creator, you will come back empty-handed. The source of the universe is ultimately unknowable, a great invisible river flowing forever through a vast and fertile valley. Silent and uncreated, it creates all things. All things are brought forth from the subtle realm into the manifest world by the mystical intercourse of yin and yang. The dynamic river yang pushes forward, the still valley yin is receptive, and through their integration things come into existence. This is known as the Great Tai Chi. Tai chi is the integral truth of the universe. Everything is a tai chi: your body, the cosmic body, form, appearance, wisdom, energy, the unions of people, the dispersal of time and places. Each brings itself into existence through the integration of yin and yang, maintains itself, and disperses itself without the direction of any creator. Your creation, your self-transformation, the accumulation of energy and wisdom, the decline and cessation of your body: all these take place by themselves within the subtle operation of the universe. Therefore agitated effort is not necessary. Just be aware of the Great Tai Chi.


Ako trazite Velikog Stvoritelja, necete ga naci.
Izvor sveta nije moguce saznati, on je velika nevidljiva reka koja vecno tece kroz veliku, plodnu dolinu.
Tih i nestvoren, stvara sve.
Sve stvari se pojavljuju iz prikrivenog u vidljivi svet, kroz misticno spajanje Yina i Yanga.
Dinamicna reka Yang tece kroz mirnu prijemcivu dolinu Yin, kroz njihovo spajanje stvari nastaju.
Ovo je Veliki Tai Chi.
Tai Chi je osnovna istina sveta.
Sve je tai chi, vase telo, kosmicko telo, oblik, izgled, mudrost, energija, zajednice ljudi, nestanak vremena i prostora.
Svaka stvar stvara sebe kroz spajanje Yina i Yanga, odrzava sebe i nestaje bez uticaja stvoritelja.
Vase stvaranje, vasa licna tranformacija, akumulacija energije i mudrosti, propadanje i nestanak vaseg tela, sve je to suptilno delovanje sveta.
Dakle, uzbudjeno delovanje nije potrebno.
Samo budite svesni Velikog Tai Chi-a.
« Poslednja izmena: Januar 27, 2012, 17:39:29 panda »