Autor Tema: Prevodi  (Pročitano 37364 puta)


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« Odgovor #60 poslato: Februar 03, 2012, 02:41:25 »
Fifty-FiveThe holistic practices of the ancient masters integrate science, art, and personal spiritual development. Mind, body, and spirit participate in them equally. They include:
  • Yi Yau, the healing science which incorporates diagnosis, acupuncture, herbal medicine, therapeutic diet, and other methods;
  • Syang Ming, the science which predicts a person's destiny by observing the outward physical manifestations of his face, skeleton, palms, and voice;
  • Feng Shui, the science of discerning the subtle energy rays present in a geographic location to determine whether they will properly support the activities of a building or town constructed there;
  • Fu Kua, the observation of the subtle alterations of yin and yang for the purpose of making decisions which are harmonious with the apparent and hidden aspects of a situation. The foundation of Fu Kua and of all Taoist practice is the study of the I Ching, or Book of Changes.
  • Nei Dan, Wai Dan, and Fang Jung, the sciences of refining one's personal energy through alchemy, chemistry, and the cultivation of balanced sexual energy;
  • Tai Syi, the science of revitalization through breathing and visualization techniques;
  • Chwun Shi, the transformation of one's spiritual essence through keeping one's thoughts in accord with the Divine Source;
  • Shu-Ser, the attunement of one's daily life to the cycle of universal energy rays;
  • Bi Gu, the practice of fasting on specific days in order to gather life energy emanating from the harmonized positions of certain stars;
  • Sau Yi, the science of embracing integral transcendental oneness in order to accomplish conception of the 'mystical pearl';
  • Tai Chi Ch'uan, the performance of physical exercises to induce and direct energy flows within the body to gain mastery of body, breath, mind, the internal organs, and life and death;
  • Fu Chi, the science of reforming and refining one's energy with pure food and herbs;
  • Chuan Se, the inner visualization of the unity of one's inner and outer being;
  • 'Dzai Jing, the purification of one's energy through ascetic practices;
  • Fu Jou, the drawing of mystical pictures and the writing and recital of mystical invocations for the purpose of evoking a response from the subtle realm of the universe;
  • Tsan Syan, the process of dissolving the ego and connecting with the Great Oneness through the study of classical scriptures and daily dialogue with an enlightened master;
  • Lyou Yen and Chi Men, the mystical sciences of energy linkage for the purpose of influencing external affairs. Of these, the most important for beginners is the study of the I Ching, which enables one to perceive the hidden influences in every situation and thus establish a balanced and spiritually evolved means of responding to them. All are instruments for attaining the Tao. To study them is to serve universal unity, harmony, and wisdom.


Celovita ucenja starih majstora spajaju nauku, umetnost i licni duhovni razvoj. Um, telo i duh podjednako ucestvuju u njima.
One su:

1. Yi Yau, metod lecenja koji ukljucuje dijagnostiku, akupunkturu, lekovite trave, terapeutsku ishranu i druge metode.

2. Syang Ming, metod koji predvidja licnu sudbinu osobe na osnovu fizickog izgleda lica, kostura, saka i glasa.

3. Feng Shui, metod prepoznavanja suptilnih energetskih zraka prisutnih na odredjenoj geografskoj lokaciji i odredjivanja da li ce oni dobro podrzavati aktivnosti zgrade ili grada koji je izgradjen na toj lokaciji.

4. Fu Kua, posmatranje neznatnih promena u Yinu i Yangu, radi donosenja odluka koje su u skladu sa vidljivim i skrivenim aspektima odredjene situacije. Osnova Fu Kua i svih taoistickih praksi je I Ching, knjiga promena.

5. Nei Dan, Wai Dan i Fang Jung su metodi preciscavanje licne duhovne energije kroz alhemiju, hemiju i razvijanje uravnotezene seksualne energije.

6. Tai Syi,  metod obnavaljanja energije praktikovanjem tehnika disanja i vizuelizacije.

7. Chwun Shi, transformacija duhovne osnove uskladjivanjem svojim misli sa Uzvisenim Izvorom.

8. Shu-Ser, uskladjivanje dnevnog zivota sa ciklusima univerzalnih energetskih zraka.

9. Bi Gu, praktikovanje posta u odredjenim danima, kako bi se sakupila zivotna energija koja izvire iz harmonicnih pozicija odredjenih zvezda.

10. Sau Yi, metod prihvatanja izvorne transcedentalne jednine radi stvaranja "misticnog bisera".

11. Tai Chi Chuan, izvodjenje fizickih vezbi radi stvaranja i upravljanja tokovima energije u telu, kako bi se stekla kontrola nad telom, dahom, umom, unutrasnjim organima i nad zivotom i smrcu.

12. Fu Chi, metod pregrupisanja i prociscavanja licne energije sa cistom hranom i biljem.

13. Chuan Se, unutrasnja vizualizacija jedinstva unutrasnjeg i spoljasnjeg bica osobe.

14. Dzai Jing, preciscavanje licne energije kroz askezu.

15. Fu Jou, crtanje misticnih crteza, pisanje i recitovanje misticnih pesama, zarad dobijanja odgovora iz prikrivenih nivoa sveta.

16. Tsan Syan, proces rastvaranja ega i spajanja sa Velikom Jedninom, kroz proucavanje klasicnih tekstova i svakodnevnih razgovora sa prosvetljenim uciteljem.

17. Lyon Men i Chi Men, misticni metod povezivanja energija, zarad uticaja na spoljasnja desavanja.

Od svih za pocetnika najvaznije je proucavanje I Chinga, koje omogucava uvid u skrivene uticaje u svim situacijama i uspostavljanje uravnotezenih i duhovno razvijenih mehanizma odgovora na njih.
Sve su instrumenti za dosezanja Tao-a.
Proucavajuci ih sluzite univerzalnom jedinstvu, harmoniji i mudrosti.


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« Odgovor #61 poslato: Februar 03, 2012, 18:51:03 »
Fifty-Six If you wish to become a person of Tao, then study that which serves the nature of life, and offer it to the world. Allow your devotion to learning the Taoist ways to be complete. Partial practice and partial discipline won't do. You can't know the body by studying the finger, and you can't understand the universe by learning one science. If you study the whole of the Tao wholeheartedly, then everything in your life will reflect it.


Ako zelite da postanete osoba sa Tao-om, onda ucite ono sto sluzi prirodi zivota i podelite to sa svetom.
Neka vasa predanost ucenju taoistickog puta bude potpuna.
Delimicno ucenje i delimicna disciplina nisu dovoljne.
Ne mozete znati telo, proucavajuci prst i ne mozete razumeti svet uceci samo jedan metod.
Ako proucavate potpun Tao, svim srcem, onda ce ga odrazavati sve stvari u vasem zivotu.


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« Odgovor #62 poslato: Februar 04, 2012, 02:32:24 »
Fifty-Seven The universe is a vast net of energy rays. The primary ray is that which emanates from the Subtle Origin, and it is entirely positive, creative, and constructive. Each being, however, converts the energy of this primary ray into its own ray, and these lower rays can be either positive or negative, constructive or destructive. An individual who is not yet fully evolved can be adversely affected by negative energy rays in the net around him. For example, the combined influence of several negative rays might cause an undeveloped person to believe that his life is being controlled by an invisible, oppressive ruler. Such a misconception can be a significant barrier to enlightenment. To attain full evolution and the status of an integral being, you must be aware of this intricate net and its influences upon you. By integrating the positive, harmonious energy rays with the positive elements of your own being, and eliminating the subtle negative influences, you can enhance all aspects of your life. In order to eliminate the negative influences, simply ignore them. To integrate the positive influences, consciously reconnect yourself with the primary energy ray of the Subtle Origin by adopting the practices of the Integral Way. Then all the rays in the net around you will merge back into harmonious oneness.


Univerzum je siroka mreza energetskih zraka.
Prvi zrak se siri iz Tajnog Izvora i u potpunosti je pozitivan, kreativan i konstruktivan.
Svako bice pretvara energiju ovog zraka u svoj zrak, a ovi nizi zraci mogu biti pozitivni ili negativni, konstruktivni ili destruktivni.
Na osobu koja nije u potpunosti razvijena mogu lose uticati negativni zraci u mrezi oko nje.  Na primer, udruzeni uticaj vise negativnih zraka moze navesti nerazvijenu osobu da veruje kako njen zivot kontrolise nevidljiv i okrutan vladar.
Ovakvo pogresno shvatanje moze biti znatna prepreka prosvetljenju.
Da bi ste postigli potpuni razvoj i stanje izvornog bica, morate postati svesni ove komplikovane mreze i njenog uticaja na vas.
Spajajuci pozitivne, harmonicne energetske zrake, sa pozitivnim delovima vaseg bica i eliminisanjem suptilnih negativnih uticaja, mozete poboljsati sve aspekte vaseg zivota.
Da bi ste eliminisali negativne uticaje, samo ih ignorisite.
Da bi ste se spojili sa pozitivnim uticajima, svesno se povezite sa primarnim energetskim zrakom Tajnog Izvora, praktikujuci Put.
Tada ce se svi zraci oko vas ponovo stopiti u harmonicnu jedninu.



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« Odgovor #63 poslato: Februar 04, 2012, 21:35:45 »
Fifty-Eight Unless the mind, body, and spirit are equally developed and fully integrated, no spiritual peak or state of enlightenment can be sustained. This is why extremist religions and ideologies do not bear fruit. When the mind and spirit are forced into unnatural austerities or adherence to external dogmas, the body grows sick and weak and becomes a traitor to the whole being. When the body is emphasized to the exclusion of the mind and spirit, they become like trapped snakes: frantic, explosive, and poisonous to one's person. All such imbalances inevitably lead to exhaustion and expiration of the life force. True self-cultivation involves the holistic integration of mind, body, and spirit. Balancing yin and yang through the various practices of the Integral Way, one achieves complete unity within and without. This manifests in the world as perfect equilibrium, and perfect grace.


Ako um, telo i duh nisu podjednako razvijeni i potpuno sjedinjeni, nije moguce odrzati duhovni uzlet ili prosvetljenje.
Zato ekstremisticke religije i ideologije ne daju rezultate.
Kada su um i duh prisiljeni na neprirodna odricanja ili odanost spoljnim dogmama, telo postaje bolesljivo i slabo i na kraju izdaje celokupno bice.
Kada se telo naglasava, a odbacuju se um i duh, oni postaju kao zarobljene zmije: divlji, eksplozivni i otrovni za osobu.
Ovakve neravnoteze neminovno dovode do iscrpljivanja i nestajanja zivotne energije.
Pravi razvoj licnosti zahteva potpunu integraciju uma, tela i duha.
Uravnotezavajuci Yin i Yang, kroz razlicite metode Puta, osoba postize potpuno jedinstvo unutra i spolja.
Svet ovo vidi kao savrseni sklad i ravnotezu.


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« Odgovor #64 poslato: Februar 05, 2012, 20:17:48 »
Fifty-Nine Greed for enlightenment and immortality is no different than greed for material wealth. It is self-centered and dualistic, and thus an obstacle to true attainment. Therefore these states are never achieved by those who covet them; rather, they are the reward of the virtuous. If you wish to become a divine immortal angel, then restore the angelic qualities of your being through virtue and service. This is the only way to gain the attention of the immortals who teach the methods of energy enhancement and integration that are necessary to reach the divine realm. These angelic teachers cannot be sought out; it is they who seek out the student. When you succeed in connecting your energy with the divine realm through high awareness and the practice of undiscriminating virtue, the transmission of the ultimate subtle truths will follow. This is the path that all angels take to the divine realm.


Zudnja za prosvetljenjem ili besmrtnoscu se ne razlikuje od zudnje za materijalnim stvarma. Sebicna je i dualisticka, prepreka na putu pravog uspeha.
Ova stanja nikad ne dostizu oni koji ih prizeljkuju, vec se uvek daju kao nagrada dobrima.
Ako zelite da postanete divni, besmrtni andjel, povratite adjeoske odlike vaseg bice kroz vrlinu i pomaganje drugima.
To je jedini nacin da vas primete besmrtni koji poducavaju razvijanje energije i njeno sjedinjenje, koji su neophodni da bi se dosegao uzviseni nivo.
Andjeoske ucitelje ne mozete naci, oni sami traze svoje studente.
Kada uspete da povezete svoju energiju sa uzvisenim nivoom kroz sirenje svesti i neogranicenu vrlinu, usledice prenos suptilne istine.
Tim putem ide svi andjeli ka uzvisenim nivoima.


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« Odgovor #65 poslato: Februar 06, 2012, 02:11:52 »
Sixty The mystical techniques for achieving immortality are revealed only to those who have dissolved all ties to the gross worldly realm of duality, conflict, and dogma. As long as your shallow worldly ambitions exist, the door will not open. Devote yourself to living a virtuous, integrated, selfless life. Refine your energy from gross and heavy to subtle and light. Use the practices of the Integral Way to transform your superficial worldly personality into a profound, divine presence. By going through each stage of development along the Integral Way, you learn to value what is important today in the subtle realm rather than what appears desirable tomorrow in the worldly realm. Then the mystical door will open. and you can join the unruling rulers and uncreating creators of the vast universe.


Misticne tehnika za dostizanje besmrtnosti se otkrivaju samo onima koji su rastvorili sve veze sa grubim svetovnim nivoom ispunjenim dualnostima, sukobima i dogmama.
Dokle god vase plitke ambicije postoje, vrata se nece otvoriti.
Posvetite se moralnom, izvornom, nesebicnom zivotu.
Precisctite svoju enrgiju iz grube i teske u tananu i laganu.
Koristite metode Puta da transformisete svoju povrsnu svetovnu licnost u duboko, uzviseno bice.
Razvijajuci se iduci Putem, naucicete da cenite ono sto je bitno danas u prikrivenom svetu, a ne ono sto se cini pozeljnim sutra u svetovnom.
Onda ce se misticna vrata otvoriti i mozete se priljuciti nevladajucim vladarima i nestvarajucim stvaraocima ogromnog svemira.



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« Odgovor #66 poslato: Februar 06, 2012, 13:03:42 »
Sixty-One To understand the universe, you must study and understand these things: First, the Oneness, the Tao, the Great Tai Chi Second, the Great Two, the forces of yin and yang; Third, the Three Main Categories, expressed either as Heaven, Earth, and Man, or as body mind, and spirit; Fourth, the Four Forces, strong, weak, light, and heavy; Fifth, the Five Elements, symbolized by water, fire, wood, metal, and earth; Sixth, the Six Breaths--wind, cold, heat, moisture, dryness, and inflammation--which transform the climate and the internal organs; Seventh, the processes of change and recycling; Eighth, the Eight Great Manifestations--Heaven, Earth, Water, Fire, Thunder, Lake, Wind, and Mountain--the combinations of which reveal the subtle energetic truth of all situations, as taught in the I Ching. Understanding these things, you can employ them internally to leave behind what is old and dead and to embrace what is new and alive. Once discovered, this process of internal alchemy opens the mystical gate to spiritual immortality.


Da bi ste razumeli svet morate poruciti i razumeti sledece:
Prvo, Jedninu, Tao, Veliki Tai Chi.
Drugo, Velikih Dva, snagu yina i yanga.
Trece, Tri glavne kategorije izrazene kao Nebo, Zemlja i Covek ili kao telo, um i duh.
Cetvrto, Cetiri sile, snaznu, slabu, laganu i tesku.
Peto, Pet elemenata, simbolizovanih kao voda, vatra, drvo, metal i zemlja.
Sesto, Sest disanja, vetar, hladan, topao, vlazan, suv, vreo, koji menjaju klimu i unutrasnje organe.
Sedmo, proces promene i obnavljanja.
Osmo, Osam Velikih Pojava, Nebo, Zemlja, Voda, Vatra, Grom, Jezero, Vetar i Planina - njihove kombinacije otkrivaju prikrivenu istinu svake situacije, kao sto je objasnjeno u Ji Djingu.
Kada razumete ove stvari, mozete ih upotrebiti iznutra da ostavite staro i mrtvo i prihvatite novo i zivo.
Kada se otkrije, proces unutrasnje alhemije, otvara misticna vrata ka duhovnoj bemrtnosti.



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« Odgovor #67 poslato: Februar 06, 2012, 23:55:39 »
Sixty-Two Do you wish to attain pure Tao? Then you must understand and integrate within yourself the three main energies of the universe. The first is the earth energy. Centered in the belly, it expresses itself as sexuality. Those who cultivate and master the physical energy attain partial purity. The second is the heaven energy. Centered in the mind, it expresses itself as knowledge and wisdom. Those whose minds merge with the Universal Mind also attain partial purity. The third is the harmonized energy. Centered in the heart, it expresses itself as spiritual insight. Those who develop spiritual insight also attain partial purity. Only when you achieve all three-mastery of the physical energy, universal mindedness, and spiritual insight-and express them in a virtuous integral life, can you attain pure Tao.


Da li zelite da dosegnete cisti Tao?
Onda morate da razumete i integrisete tri glavne energije univerzuma.
Prva je energija zemlje, nalazi se u stomaku i ispoljava se kao sexualnost.
Oni koji usavrse i ovladaju fizickom energijom dobijaju delimicnu cistotu.
Druga je energija neba, nalazi se u umu i ispoljava se kroz znanje i mudrost.
Oni ciji se umovi spoje sa Univerzalnim umom takodje dobijaju delimicnu cistotu.
Treca je harmonizujuca energija, nalazi se u srcu i ispoljava se kao duhovni uvid.
Oni koji razviju duhovni uvid, takodje dobijaju delimicnu cistotu.
Samo kada ovladate svim energijama, fizickom energijom, univerzalnim umom i duhovnim uvidom, i ispoljite ih kroz moralni izvorni zivot, mozete dosegnuti cist Tao.


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« Odgovor #68 poslato: Februar 07, 2012, 03:55:58 »
Sixty-Three There are three layers to the universe: In the lower, Tai Ching, and the middle, Shan Ching, the hindrance of a physical bodily existence is required. Those who fail to live consistently in accord with Tao reside here. In the upper, Yu Ching, there is only Tao: the bondage of form is broken, and the only thing existing is the exquisite energy dance of the immortal divine beings. Those who wish to enter Yu Ching should follow the Integral Way. Simplify the personality, refine the sexual energy upward, integrate yin and yang in body, mind, and spirit, practice non-impulsiveness, make your conscience one with pure law, and you will uncover truth after truth and enter the exquisite upper realm. This path is clearly defined and quite simple to follow, yet most lose themselves in ideological fogs of their own making.


Svet je podeljen u tri sloja: U donjem, Tai Ching i serdnjem, Shan Ching, smetnja boravka u fizickom telu je neminovna.
Ko ne uspe da stalno zivi u skladu sa Tao-om zivi ovde.
U gornjem, Yu Ching, samo je Tao, veza sa formom je raskinuta i jedino postoji divni ples energija besmrtnih uzvisenih bica.
Ko zeli da udje u Yu Ching treba da prati Put.
Pojednostavi svoju licnost, procisti sexualnu energije navise, ujedini Yin i Yang u telu, umu i duhu, vezba neimpulsivnost, sjedini svoju svest sa cistim zakonom i otkrivace istinu za istinom i uci ce u divne gornje nivoe.
Put je jasno obelezen i jednostavan za pracenje, ali ipak vecina se izgubi u sopstevenoj ideoloskoj magli. 


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« Odgovor #69 poslato: Februar 07, 2012, 17:36:09 »
Sixty-Four In earlier times, people lived simply and serenely. Sensitive to the fluctuations that constantly occur, they were able to adjust comfortably to the energy of the day. Today, people lead hysterical, impulsive lives. Ignoring the subtle alterations of yin and yang which influence all things, they become confused, exhausted, and frustrated. However, even today one can restore wholeness and clarity to one's mind. The way to do this is through study of the I Ching. Like the cycle of day and night, everything is a tai chi incorporating movements between yin and yang. If you do not see the patterns in these movements, you are lost. But if you consult the I Ching with an open mind, you will begin to see the patterns underlying all things. Knowing that daybreak will come, you can rest peacefully at night. When you accurately perceive the fluidity of things, you also begin to perceive the constancy behind them: the creative, transformative, boundless, immutable Tao. To see this is the ultimate education, and the ultimate solace.


U ranijim vremenima, ljudi su ziveli jednostavno i spokojno. Osetljivi na promene koje se stalno desavaju, bili su sposobni da se udobno prilagode energiji dana.
Danas ljudi zive histericno i impulsivno. Ignorisu suptilne promene Yina i Yanga koje uticu na sve i postaju zbunjeni, iscrpljeni i frustrirani.
Ipak, cak i u danasnjem vremenu moze se povratiti celovitost i jasnost uma, kroz proucavanje Ji Djinga.
Kao ciklus dana i noci, sve je tai chi sjedinjavanje Yina i Yanga. Ako ne vidite pravilnosti u ovim pokretima, izgubljeni ste.
Ako se konsultujete otvorenog uma sa Ji Djingom, videcete pravila koja obuhvataju sve stvari.
Znajuci da ce jutro doci, mirno se odmarate nocu.
Kada ste u stanju da tacno vidite kretanje stvari, pocinjete da uvidjate i stalnost iza njih: kreativni, transformisuci, nepregledni, nepromenljivi Tao.
Videti ovo je najvise obrazovanje, najveca uteha.


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« Odgovor #70 poslato: Februar 08, 2012, 00:16:54 »
Sixty-Five The interplay of yin and yang within the womb of the Mysterious Mother creates the expansion and contraction of nature. Although the entire universe is created out of this reproductive dance, it is but a tiny portion of her being. Her heart is the Universal Heart, and her mind the Universal Mind. The reproductive function is also a part of human beings. Because yin and yang are not complete within us as individuals, we pair up to integrate them and bring forth new life. Although most people spend their entire lives following this biological impulse, it is only a tiny portion of our beings as well. If we remain obsessed with seeds and eggs, we are married to the fertile reproductive valley of the Mysterious Mother but not to her immeasurable heart and all-knowing mind. If you wish to unite with her heart and mind, you must integrate yin and yang within and refine their fire upward. Then you have the power to merge with the whole being of the Mysterious Mother. This is what is known as true evolution.


Igra Yina i Yanga u utrobi Misteriozne Majke stvara sirenje i skupljanje prirode.
Iako je ceo univerzum nastao iz ovog reproduktivnog plesa, to je samo mali deo njenog bica.
Njeno srce je Univerzalno Srce, a njen um je univerzalni Um.
Reproduktivna funkcija je takodje deo ljudskog bica.
Posto Yin i Yang nisu kompletni u nama mi se uparujemo da bi ih spojili i stvorili novi zivot.
Iako vecina ljudi provede ceo zivot sledeci bioloske impulse, to je tek mali deo naseg bica.
Ako ostanemo opsednuti sa smenom i jajima, mi smo spojeni sa plodnom reproduktivnom dolinom Misteriozne Majke, ali ne i sa njenim nemerljivim srcem i sveznajucim umom.
Ako zelite da se ujedinite sa njim srcem i umom, morate spojiti Yin i Yang u sebi i precistiti njihovu vatru navise.
Onda imate snagu da se spojite sa celim bicem Misteriozne Majke.
Ovo je pravi razvoj.



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« Odgovor #71 poslato: Februar 08, 2012, 16:55:39 »
Sixty-Six The first integration of yin and yang is the union of seed and egg within the womb. The second integration of yin and yang is the sexual union of the mature male and female. Both of these are concerned with flesh and blood, and all that is conceived in this realm must one day disintegrate and pass away. It is only the third integration which gives birth to something immortal, In this integration, a highly evolved individual joins the subtle inner energies of yin and yang under the light of spiritual understanding. Through the practices of the Integral Way he refines his gross, heavy energy into something ethereal and light. This divine light has the capability of penetrating into the mighty ocean of spiritual energy and complete wisdom that is the Tao. The new life created by the final integration is self- aware yet without ego, capable of inhabiting a body yet not attached to it, and guided by wisdom rather than emotion. Whole and virtuous, it can never die.


Prva integracija Yina i Yanga je spoj semena i jajeta u utrobi.
Druga integracija Yina i Yanga je sexualno spajanje odraslog muskarca i zene.
Oba su vezana za telo i krv i sve sto je stvoreno na ovom nivou mora jednog dana da se razgradi i umre.
Tek u trecoj integraciji se radja nesto sto je besmertno, u ovoj integraciji visoko razvijena individua, spaja suptilne unutrasnje energije Yina i Yanga pod svetloscu duhovnog razumevanja.
Kroz metode Puta, osoba preciscuje grubu, tesku energiju u nesto etericno i svetlo.
Uzviseno svetlo ima sposobnost da prodre u mocni okean duhovne enrgije i kompletne mudrosti Taoa.
Novi zivot stvoren zadnjom integracijom je samosvestan, ali nema ego, moze da zivi u telu, ali nije vezan za njega i vodjen je mudroscu, a ne emocijama.
Potpun i moralan, ne moze da umre.



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« Odgovor #72 poslato: Februar 09, 2012, 00:46:44 »
Sixty-Seven To achieve the highest levels of life, one must continually combine new levels of yin and yang. In nature, the male energy can be found in such sources as the sun and the mountains, and the female in such sources as the earth, the moon, and the lakes. Those who study these things, which are only hinted at here, will benefit immeasurably. Because higher and higher unions of yin and yang are necessary for the conception of higher life, some students may be instructed in the art of dual cultivation, in which yin and yang are directly integrated in the tai chi of sexual intercourse. If the student is not genuinely virtuous and the instruction not that of a true master, dual cultivation can have a destructive effect. If genuine virtue and true mastery come together, however, the practice can bring about a profound balancing of the student's gross and subtle energies. The result of this is improved health, harmonized emotions, the cessation of desires and impulses, and, at the highest level, the transcendent integration of the entire energy body.


Da biste dosegli najvise nivoe zivota, morate stalno kombinovati nove nivoe Yina i Yanga.
U prirodi, izvori muske energije su Sunce i planine, a zenske zemlja, Mesec, jezera.
Ko proucava ovo, a sto je samo nagovesteno ovde, imace velike koristi, jer su za stvaranje visih nivoa zivota potrebne sve vislje i vislje unije Yina i Yanga.
Neki ucenici ce mozda biti uvedeni u umetnost dvojne izgradnje, u kojoj se Yin i Yang direktno integrisu kroz sexualni odnos.
Ako ucenik nije iskreno moralan, a instrukcije ne dobija od pravog majstora dvojna izgradnja moze imati destruktivne posledice.
Ali ako se spoje iskreni moral i pravo majstorstvo, metod moze dovesti do dubokog uravnotezavanja ucenikovih grubih i tananih energija, usled cega se zdravlje poboljsava, emocije harmonizuju, prestaju zelje i impulsi, i na najvisem nivou nastaje transcedentna integracija celog energetskog tela.


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« Odgovor #73 poslato: Februar 10, 2012, 00:26:09 »
Sixty-Eight In angelic dual cultivation, one learns to follow the Tao. To approach the Tao, you will need all your sincerity, for it is elusive, first revealing itself in form and image, then dissolving into subtle, indefinable essence. Though it is uncreated itself, it creates all things. Because it has no substance, it can enter into where there is no space. Exercising by returning to itself, winning victories by remaining gentle and yielding, it is softer than anything, and therefore it overcomes everything hard. What does this tell you about the benefit of non-action and silence?


U andjeoskom dvojnom razvoju, osoba uci kako da prati Tao.
Da bi ste prisli Taou, potrebna vam je sva vasa iskrenost, jer je nedokuciv, prvo se otkriva u oblicima i slikama, onda se rastapa u tananu, neodredivu sustinu.
Iako sam nije stvoren, stvara sve stvari.
Posto nema materiju, moze da udje i tamo gde nema prostora.
Vezba vracajuci se sebi, pobedjuje ostajuci nezan i popustljiv, meksi je od bilo cega i zato savladjuje tvrdo.
Sta vam ovo govori o koristima nedelovanja i tisine?


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« Odgovor #74 poslato: Februar 10, 2012, 18:43:54 »
Sixty-Nine A person's approach to sexuality is a sign of his level of evolution. Unevolved persons practice ordinary sexual intercourse. Placing all emphasis upon the sexual organs, they neglect the body's other organs and systems. Whatever physical energy is accumulated is summarily discharged, and the subtle energies are similarly dissipated and disordered. It is a great backward leap. For those who aspire to the higher realms of living, there is angelic dual cultivation. Because every portion of the body, mind, and spirit yearns for the integration of yin and yang, angelic intercourse is led by the spirit rather than the sexual organs. Where ordinary intercourse is effortful, angelic cultivation is calm, relaxed, quiet, and natural. Where ordinary intercourse unites sex organs with sex organs, angelic cultivation unites spirit with spirit, mind with mind, and every cell of one body with every cell of the other body. Culminating not in dissolution but in integration, it is an opportunity for a man and woman to mutually transform and uplift each other into the realm of bliss and wholeness. The sacred ways of angelic intercourse are taught only by one who has himself achieved total energy integration, and taught only to students who follow the Integral Way with profound devotion, seeking to purify and pacify the entire world along with their own being. However, if your virtue is especially radiant, it can be possible to open a pathway to the subtle realm and receive these celestial teachings directly from the immortals.


Odnos koji osoba ima prema sexulanosti ukazuje na kom je nivou razvoja.
Nerazvijena osoba upraznjava obican sexualni odnos. Svu paznju posvecuje seksualnim organima i zanemariju ostale organe i sisteme. Koliko god se fizicke energije sakupi, ona se brzo i ispusti, a tanane energije su takodje istrosene i neuredjene.
To je veliki korak unazad.
Ali za one koji zele da zive na visim nivoima, postoji andjeoski dvojni razvoj, jer svaki deo tela, uma i duha zudi za integracijom Yina i Yanga, andjeoskim odnosom koji je vodjen duhom, a ne sexualnim organima.
Obican odnos je naporan, andjeoski odnos je miran, opusten, tih i prirodan.
Obican odnos spaja sexualne organe, andjeoski odnos spaja duh sa duhom, um sa umom, svaku celiju jednog tela sa svakom celijom drugog tela, dostizuci vrhunac u integraciji, a ne raspustanju, on je prilika da se muskarac i zena zajednicki transformisu i uzdignu na nivo zadovoljstva i celovitosti.
Sveti put andjeoskog odnosa moze da poducava samo osoba koja je dosegla potpuno ujedinjenje energija i to samo onim studentima koji idu Putem sa dubokim postovanjem i teze da prociste i umire i sebe i ceo svet.
Ipak, ako vam je vrlina posebno blistava, moguce je otvoriti direktan prolaz do tananih nivoa i dobiti uzviseno ucenje direktno od besmrtnih.