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« Odgovor #75 poslato: Februar 10, 2012, 20:54:29 »
bogami, ima toga! svaka čast  :to


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« Odgovor #76 poslato: Februar 11, 2012, 00:17:50 »
Jos malo pa kraj.  :kez:


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« Odgovor #77 poslato: Februar 11, 2012, 00:33:59 »
Seventy The cords of passion and desire weave a binding net around you. Worldly confrontation makes you stiff and inflexible. The trap of duality is tenacious. Bound, rigid, and trapped, you cannot experience liberation. Through dual cultivation it is possible to unravel the net, soften the rigidity, dismantle the trap. Dissolving your yin energy into the source of universal life, attracting the yang energy from that same source, you leave behind individuality and your life becomes pure nature. Free of ego, living naturally, working virtuously, you become filled with inexhaustible vitality and are liberated forever from the cycle of death and rebirth. Understand this if nothing else: spiritual freedom and oneness with the Tao are not randomly bestowed gifts, but the rewards of conscious self-transformation and self-evolution.


Konopci strasti i zelja pletu cvrstu mrezu oko vas.
Svetovni sukobi cine vas krutim i nesavitljivim.
Zamka dualnosti je izdrzljiva.
Vezani, tvrdi i u zamci, ne mozete da iskusite oslobodjenje.
Kroz dvojni razvoj moguce je rasplesti mrezu, smeksati tvrdocu, rasklopiti zamku.
Rastvarajuci vasu Yin energiju u izvoru sveg zivota, privlaceci Yang energiju iz istog izvora, vasa individualnost nestaje i vas zivot postaje cista priroda.
Oslobodivsi se ega, ziveci prirodno, radeci predano, postajete puni neiscrpne vitalnosti i zauvek ste oslobodjeni ciklusa smrti i ponovnog radjanja.
Ako nista drugo, razumite ovo: duhovna sloboda i jedinstvo sa Tao-om, nisu nasumicno dati darovi, vec nagrade svesne samotransformacije i samorazvoja.


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« Odgovor #78 poslato: Februar 11, 2012, 10:04:16 »
Seventy-One The transformation toward eternal life is gradual. The heavy, gross energy of body, mind, and spirit must first be purified and uplifted. When the energy ascends to the subtle level, then self-mastery can be sought. A wise instructor teaches the powerful principles of self-integration only to those who have already achieved a high level of self-purification and self-mastery. In addition, all proper teaching follows the law of energy response: the most effective method is always that to which the student's natural energy most harmoniously responds. For one, celibacy and self-cultivation will be appropriate; for another, properly guided dual cultivation will derive the greatest benefit. A discerning teacher will determine the proper balance of practices for each individual. In any case, know that all teachers and techniques are only transitional: true realization comes from the direct merger of one's being with the divine energy of the Tao.


Promena ka vecnom zivotu je postepena.
Prvo se moraju procistiti i uzdici teske, grube energije tela, uma i duha.
Kada se energija uzdigne do prikrivenih nivoa, moguce je ovladati sobom.
Sva prava ucenja prate zakon odgovarajucih energija: najefikasniji je metod sa kojim je prirodna energija ucenika najharmonicnija.
Nekima ce odgovarati celibat i samorazvoj, drugima ce najvise odgovarati pravilno vodjen metod dvojnog razvoja.
Pronicljiv ucitelj ce odrediti odgovarajuce metode za svakog ponaosob.
U svakom slucaju, znajte, svi ucitelji i tehnike su prolazni: Pravo ostvarenje dolazi od direktnog spoja osobe sa uzvisenom energijom Taoa.



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« Odgovor #79 poslato: Februar 11, 2012, 10:47:25 »
Seventy-Two If you wish to gain merit and become one with the divine, then develop your virtue and extend it to the world. Abandon fancy theologies and imaginary ideas and do some ordinary daily work, such as healing. Let go of all conflict and strife. Practice unswerving kindness and unending patience. Avoid following impulses and pursuing ambitions which destroy the wholeness of your mind and separate you from the Integral Way. Neither become obsessed with circumstances nor forego awareness of them. To manage your mind, know that there is nothing, and then relinquish all attachment to the nothingness.


Ako zelite da steknete zasluge i postanete jedno sa uzvisenim, onda razvijajte svoju dobrotu i prosirite je svetom.
Odbacite ekscentricne teologije i izmisljene ideje i radite obican svakodnevni posao,na primer lecite.
Otpustite sve konfilkte i sukobe.
Vezbajte nepokolebljivu blagost i beskrajno strpljenje.
Izbegavajte impulsivnost i ambicije koje unistavaju jedinstvo vaseg uma i odvajaju vas od Puta.
Nemojte biti preokupirani okolnostima, ali ne odricite se ni svesti o njima.
Da bi ste upravljali svojim umom, znajte da nema nicega, a onda odbacite svu vezanost za nistavilo.


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« Odgovor #80 poslato: Februar 11, 2012, 16:18:49 »
Seventy-Three The teacher cannot aid the student as long as the student's spirit is contaminated. The cleansing of the spiritual contamination is not the responsibility of the teacher, but of the student. It is accomplished by offering one's talent, resources, and life to the world. Also, to the teacher and to the immortal angels that surround him, a healthy student can offer his pure energy, and a depleted student can give at the very least food, or wine, or service. When one gives whatever one can without restraint, the barriers of individuality break down. It no longer becomes possible to tell whether it is the student offering himself to the teacher, or the teacher offering herself to the student. One sees only two immaculate beings, reflecting one another like a pair of brilliant mirrors.


Ucitelj ne moze pomoci uceniku, dokle god ucenikov duh nije cist.
Ciscenje duhovnih necistoca je duznost ucenika, a ne ucitelja.
Ucenik dajuci svoj talenat, sredstva i zivot svetu cisti se od duhovnih necistoca.
Pored toga zdrav ucenik moze ponuditi ucitelju ili besmrtnim andjelima koji ga okruzuju, svoju cistu energiju, a iscrpljeni ucenik moze dati barem hranu, vino ili uslugu.
Kada osoba daje bez uzdrzavanja ruse se granice individualnosti.
Nije vise moguce reci da li ucenik daje sebe ucitelju ili ucitelj daje sebe uceniku.
Samo se vide dva besprekorna bica, koja odslikavaju jedno drugo kao par sjajnih ogledala.


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« Odgovor #81 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 00:59:13 »
Seventy-Four There are those who derive energy from worshipping and meditating on divine beings and deities. If you feel inclined to worship, then worship these: Worship the fiery sun, repository of yang, and the watery moon, repository of yin; Worship the spiritual centers of men and women, which are angelic in every sense; Worship the Eight Great Manifestations: Heaven, Earth, Water, Fire, Thunder, Lake, Wind, and Mountain; Worship the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching, which illuminate the underlying harmony of the universe; Finally, worship the Great Tai Chi, in which all things are contained, balanced, and reposed.


Postoje osobe koje dobijaju energiju obozavanjem i meditacijom na uzvisenja bica i bozanstva.
Ako ste skloni obozavanju, onda obozavajte sledece:
Obozavajte vatreno Sunce, rezervoar Yanga i vodeni Mesec, rezervoar Yina.
Obozavajte duhovne centre muskaraca i zena koji su andjeoski u svakom pogledu.
Obozavajte osam velikih pojava: Nebo, Zemlju, Vodu, Vatru, Grom, Jezero, Vetar i Planinu.
Obozavajte sezdesetosam hexagrama Ji Djinga, koji obasjavaju osnovnu harmonicnost svemira.
Na kraju obozavajte Veliki Tai Chi, u kome su sve stvari sadrzane, uravnotezene i polozene.


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« Odgovor #82 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 17:17:39 »
Seventy-Five Would you like to liberate yourself from the lower realms of life? Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for? Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation. So find a teacher who is an integral being, a beacon who extends his light and virtue with equal ease to those who appreciate him and those who don't. Shape yourself in his mold, bathe in his nourishing radiance, and reflect it out to the rest of the world. You will come to understand an eternal truth: there is always a peaceful home for a virtuous being.


Da li zelite da se oslobodite nizih nivoa zivota?
Da li zelite da spasite svet degradacije i unistenja za koje je izgleda predoredjen?
Ako zelite, onda napustite povrsne masovne pokrete i u tisini pocnite da radite na svoj samosvesti.
Ako zelite da probudite celo covecanstvo, onda probudite sebe u celosti.
Ako zelite da odstranite patnju u svetu, onda odstranite sve sto je tamno i negativno u vama.
Zaista, najveci dar koji mozete dati je vasa licna transformacija.
Nadjite ucitelja koji je izvorno bice, svetionik koji sa podjednakom lakocom siri svoju svetlost i vrlinu i na one koji ga cena i na one koji ga ne cene.
Oblikujte se po uzoru na njega, utopite se u njegov hranljivi sjaj i prikazite ga ostatku sveta.
Spoznacete vecnu istinu: Uvek postoji miran dom, za uzviseno bice.


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« Odgovor #83 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 17:24:17 »
Seventy-Six Who can save the world? Perhaps one who devotedly follows these teachings, who calms her mind, who ignores all divergence, who develops a high awareness of the subtle truths, who merges her virtue with the universal virtue and extends it to the world without expectation of reward. She will indeed be the savior of the world.


Ko moze spasiti svet?
Mozda neko ko sa postovanjem sledi ova ucenja, smiruje svoj um, ignorise sva neslaganja, razvije visoku svest o prikrivenoj istini, spoji svoju vrlinu sa univerzalnom vrlinom i ponudi je svetu bez ocekivanja nagrade.
Da, takav ce zaista biti spasilac sveta.


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« Odgovor #84 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 18:55:29 »
Seventy-Seven Humanity grows more and more intelligent, yet there is clearly more trouble and less happiness daily. How can this be so? It is because intelligence is not the same thing as wisdom. When a society misuses partial intelligence and ignores holistic wisdom, its people forget the benefits of a plain and natural life. Seduced by their desires, emotions, and egos, they become slaves to bodily demands, to luxuries, to power and unbalanced religion and psychological excuses. Then the reign of calamity and confusion begins. Nonetheless, superior people can awaken during times of turmoil to lead others out of the mire. But how can the one liberate the many? By first liberating his own being. He does this nor by elevating himself, but by lowering himself. He lowers himself to that which is simple, modest, true; integrating it into himself, he becomes a master of simplicity, modesty, truth. Completely emancipated from his former false life, he discovers his original pure nature, which is the pure nature of the universe. Freely and spontaneously releasing his divine energy, he constantly transcends complicated situations and draws everything around him back into an integral oneness. Because he is a living divinity, when he acts, the universe acts.


Covecanstvo svakim danom zna sve vise i vise, ali sve je vise problema i sve je manje srece.
Kako je to moguce?
To je moguce, jer znanje nije isto sto i mudrost.
Kada zajednica ne koristi pravilno delimicna znanja i zanemaruje celovitu mudrost, ljudi zaborave koristi obicnog i jednostavnog zivota.
Zavedeni svojim strastima, emocijama, egom postaju robovi telesnih zahteva za luksuzom, moci, neuravnotezenim verovanjima i psiholoskim opravdanjima.
Tada pocinje vladavina nedaca i konfuzije.
Ipak, uzivseni covek moze dostici probudjenje u teskim vremenima kako bi izveo ostale iz blata.
Ali kako jedan moze da oslobodi mnoge?
Prvo oslobodi sebe, ne uzdizuci se vec spustajuci se. Spusta se na ono sto je jednostavno, skromno, istinito; ugradjujuci ih u sebe postaje majstor jednostavnosti, skromnosti i istinitosti.
Potpuno odvojen od svog proslog laznog zivota, otkriva svoju osnovnu cistu prirodu, koja je cista priroda univerzuma.
Slobodno i spontano odasiljuci svoju uzvisenu energiju, stalno nadilazi komplikovane situacije i sve oko sebe povlaci nazad u izvornu celinu.
Posto je zivo uzviseno bice, kada deluje, univerzum deluje.


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« Odgovor #85 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 20:02:26 »
Seventy-Eight There are many partial religions, and then there is the Integral Way. Partial religions are desperate, clever, human inventions; the Integral Way is a deep expression of the pure, whole, universal mind. Partial religions rely on the hypnotic manipulation of undeveloped minds; the Integral Way is founded on the free transmission of the plain, natural, immutable truth. It is a total reality, not an occult practice. The Integral Way eschews conceptual fanaticism, extravagant living, fancy food, violent music. They spoil the serenity of one's mind and obstruct one's spiritual development. Renouncing what is fashionable and embracing what is plain, honest, and virtuous, the Integral Way returns you to the subtle essence of life. Adopt its practices and you will become like they are: honest, simple, true, virtuous, whole. You see, in partial pursuits, one's transformation is always partial as well. But in integral self-cultivation, it is possible to achieve a complete metamorphosis, to transcend your emotional and biological limitations and evolve to a higher state of being. By staying out of the shadows and following this simple path, you become extraordinary, unfathomable, a being of profound cosmic subtlety. You outlive time and space by realizing the subtle truth of the universe.


Mnogo je nepotpunih verovanja, ali jedan je Put.
Nepotpuna verovanja su ocajni, pametni, ljudski izumi; Put je dubok izraz cistog, potpunog, univerzalnog uma.
Nepotpuna verovanja se oslanjaju na hipnoticke manipulacije nerazvijenog uma; Put je zasnovan na slobodnom prenosu jednostavne, obicne, nepromenljive istine.
Put je susta realnost, a ne okultna praksa.
Put izbegava pojmovni fanatizam, ekstravagantni zivot,  skupu hranu, bucnu muziku, jer kvare smirenost uma i sprecavaju duhovni razvoj.
Odrice se onoga sto je moderno i prihvata obicno, iskreno, dobro, potpuno.
Vidite, u nepotpunim metodama i licna tranfromacija nije potpuna, ali u izvornom samorazvoju, moguce je ostvariti potpunu promenu, nadici svoja emocionalna i bioloska ogranicenja i razviti se u visi nivo postojanja.
Ne ulazeci u senke i sledeci ovaj jednostavni metod, postajete posebni, nedokucivi, bice duboke kosmicke suptilnosti.
Nadzivljujete vreme i prostor shvatajuci suptilnu istinu univerzuma.



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« Odgovor #86 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 20:10:48 »
Seventy-Nine Those in future generations who study and practice the truth of these teachings will be blessed. They will acquire the subtle light of wisdom, the mighty sword of clarity that cuts through all obstruction, and the mystical pearl of understanding that envelops the entire universe. They will attain the insight necessary to perceive the integral truth of the Tao. Following this truth with unabashed sincerity, they will become it: whole, courageous, indestructible, unnameable.


Bice blagosloven svako iz buducih generacija ko proucva i praktikuje istinu ovih ucenja.
Steci ce suptilnu svetlost mudrosti, mocni mac jasnoce koji preseca sve prepreke i misticni biser razumevanja koji obuhvata ceo univerzum.
Steci ce uvid potreban da se razume izvorna istina Tao-a.
Sledeci istinu sa potpunom iskrenoscu, postace savrsenstvo: potpuni, hrabri, neunistivi, neimenovani.


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« Odgovor #87 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 21:52:34 »
Eighty The world is full of half-enlightened masters. Overly clever, too "sensitive" to live in the real world, they surround themselves with selfish pleasures and bestow their grandiose teachings upon the unwary. Prematurely publicizing themselves, intent upon reaching some spiritual climax, they constantly sacrifice the truth and deviate from the Tao. What they really offer the world is their own confusion. The true master understands that enlightenment is not the end, but the means. Realizing that virtue is her goal, she accepts the long and often arduous cultivation that is necessary to attain it. She doesn't scheme to become a leader, but quietly shoulders whatever responsibilities fall to her. Unattached to her accomplishments, taking credit for nothing at all, she guides the whole world by guiding the individuals who come to her. She shares her divine energy with her students, encouraging them, creating trials to strengthen them, scolding them to awaken them, directing the streams of their lives toward the infinite ocean of the Tao. If you aspire to this sort of mastery, then root yourself in the Tao. Relinquish your negative habits and attitudes. Strengthen your sincerity. Live in the real world, and extend your virtue to it without discrimination in the daily round. Be the truest father or mother, the truest brother or sister, the truest friend, and the truest disciple. Humbly respect and serve your teacher, and dedicate your entire being unwaveringly to self-cultivation. Then you will surely achieve self-mastery and he able to help others in doing the same.


Svet je pun poluprosvetljenih majstora.
Previse pametni, isuvise osetljivi za zivot u stvarnom svetu, okruzuju se sebicnim zadovoljstvima i daruju svoje velicanstveno ucenje neopreznima.
Prerano reklamirajuci sebe, zeljni nekakvog duhovnog klimaksa, oni stalno zrtvuju istinu i odstupaju od Tao-a.
Ono sto stvarno nude je njihova zbunjenost.
Pravi majstor razume da prosvetljenje nije cilj, vec sredstvo.
Shvatajuci da je cilj vrlina, prihvata dug i cesto naporan razvoj neophodan da je dostigne.
Ne pravi splekte kako bi postao vodja, vec tiho nosi svaku odgovornost koja mu se poveri.
Ne vezujuci se za svoje uspeha, ne uzimajuci zasluge za bilo sta, usmerava ceo svet, usmeravajuci osobe oko sebe.
Deli uzvisenu energiju sa ucenicima, podstice ih, stvara iskusenja da ih ojaca, grdi ih da bi ih probudio, upravlja tokove njihovih zivota ka beskrajnom okeanu Tao-a.
Ako zelite ovakvo majstorstvo, onda se ukorenite u Tao-u.
Napustite negativne navike i stavove.
Ojacajte svoju iskrenost.
Zivite u stvarnom svetu, pruzite mu svoju dobrotu bez diskriminacije u svojim aktivnostima.
Budite pravi otac ili majka, pravi brat ili sestra, pravi prijatelj, pravi ucenik.
Skromno postujte i slusajte svoga ucitelja i posvetite celo svoje bice nepokolebljivom samorazvoju.
Onda cete sigurno ovladati sobom i moci cete da pomognete drugima da ucine isto.


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« Odgovor #88 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 23:04:22 »
Eighty-One With all this talking, what has been said? The subtle truth can he pointed at with words, but it can't be contained by them. Take time to listen to what is said without words, to obey the law too subtle to be written, to worship the unnameable and to embrace the unformed. Love your life. Trust the Tao. Make love with the invisible subtle origin of the universe, and you will give yourself everything you need. You won't have to hide away forever in spiritual retreats. You can be a gentle, contemplative hermit right here in the middle of everything, utterly unaffected, thoroughly sustained and rewarded by your integral practices. Encouraging others, giving freely to all, awakening and purifying the world with each movement and action, you'll ascend to the divine realm in broad daylight. The breath of the Tao speaks, and those who are in harmony with it hear quite clearly.


Posle sve price, sta je receno?
Reci mogu uputiti na suptilnu istinu, ali je ne sadrze.
Odvojite vreme da slusate sta je receno bez reci, da postujete zakon toliko tanan da ga nije moguce zapisati, da obozavate neimenovano i da prihvatite ono sto je bez oblika.
Volite svoj zivot.
Verujte Tao-u.
Vodite ljubav sa nevidljivim suptilnim izvorom univerzuma i imacete sve sto vam je potrebno.
Necete morati zauvek da se krijeti u manastrima.
Mozete biti ljubazan, misaoni pustinjak i ovde u sred desavanja, potpuno netaknuti,sasvim obezbedjeni i nagradjeni svojom ujedinjujucom praksom.
Ohrabrujuci druge, dajuci slobodno svima, budeci i prociscujuci svet svakim svojim pokretom i delom, dostici cete uzviseni nivo naocigled svih.
Dah Tao govori, ko je u harmoniji sa njim, jasno ga cuje.


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« Odgovor #89 poslato: Februar 12, 2012, 23:08:09 »
 :ukras :irvas

Ovo je bilo zadnje poglavlje iz knjige.

Ostalo je samo jos prvih osam.