Eighty The world is full of half-enlightened masters. Overly clever, too "sensitive" to live in the real world, they surround themselves with selfish pleasures and bestow their grandiose teachings upon the unwary. Prematurely publicizing themselves, intent upon reaching some spiritual climax, they constantly sacrifice the truth and deviate from the Tao. What they really offer the world is their own confusion. The true master understands that enlightenment is not the end, but the means. Realizing that virtue is her goal, she accepts the long and often arduous cultivation that is necessary to attain it. She doesn't scheme to become a leader, but quietly shoulders whatever responsibilities fall to her. Unattached to her accomplishments, taking credit for nothing at all, she guides the whole world by guiding the individuals who come to her. She shares her divine energy with her students, encouraging them, creating trials to strengthen them, scolding them to awaken them, directing the streams of their lives toward the infinite ocean of the Tao. If you aspire to this sort of mastery, then root yourself in the Tao. Relinquish your negative habits and attitudes. Strengthen your sincerity. Live in the real world, and extend your virtue to it without discrimination in the daily round. Be the truest father or mother, the truest brother or sister, the truest friend, and the truest disciple. Humbly respect and serve your teacher, and dedicate your entire being unwaveringly to self-cultivation. Then you will surely achieve self-mastery and he able to help others in doing the same.
Svet je pun poluprosvetljenih majstora.
Previse pametni, isuvise osetljivi za zivot u stvarnom svetu, okruzuju se sebicnim zadovoljstvima i daruju svoje velicanstveno ucenje neopreznima.
Prerano reklamirajuci sebe, zeljni nekakvog duhovnog klimaksa, oni stalno zrtvuju istinu i odstupaju od Tao-a.
Ono sto stvarno nude je njihova zbunjenost.
Pravi majstor razume da prosvetljenje nije cilj, vec sredstvo.
Shvatajuci da je cilj vrlina, prihvata dug i cesto naporan razvoj neophodan da je dostigne.
Ne pravi splekte kako bi postao vodja, vec tiho nosi svaku odgovornost koja mu se poveri.
Ne vezujuci se za svoje uspeha, ne uzimajuci zasluge za bilo sta, usmerava ceo svet, usmeravajuci osobe oko sebe.
Deli uzvisenu energiju sa ucenicima, podstice ih, stvara iskusenja da ih ojaca, grdi ih da bi ih probudio, upravlja tokove njihovih zivota ka beskrajnom okeanu Tao-a.
Ako zelite ovakvo majstorstvo, onda se ukorenite u Tao-u.
Napustite negativne navike i stavove.
Ojacajte svoju iskrenost.
Zivite u stvarnom svetu, pruzite mu svoju dobrotu bez diskriminacije u svojim aktivnostima.
Budite pravi otac ili majka, pravi brat ili sestra, pravi prijatelj, pravi ucenik.
Skromno postujte i slusajte svoga ucitelja i posvetite celo svoje bice nepokolebljivom samorazvoju.
Onda cete sigurno ovladati sobom i moci cete da pomognete drugima da ucine isto.