Autor Tema: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju  (Pročitano 51884 puta)


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #106 poslato: Oktobar 02, 2011, 00:25:20 »
Sedmorica mladih (umirovljenika) se igraju analitike. Sedmoro starih i dokonih blesana koji cijeli zvot nisu shvacali kako funkcionira sustav sad su najednom progledali, ali ovaj puta kroz naocale za varioce. Boze sacuvaj ovakvijeh analiticara  :smeh


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #107 poslato: Oktobar 02, 2011, 21:26:22 »
Fazlija, smatram da si u pravu!
put je dug, vremena je malo


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #108 poslato: Oktobar 05, 2011, 21:57:39 »
Wake Up Call (Serbian Subtitle) (1/10)
Ostali delovi dokumentrca su na youtube-u


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #110 poslato: Oktobar 14, 2011, 08:24:31 »
Kratak film o Okupiraj Vol Strit pokretu. Jako dobro uradjen!

I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #111 poslato: Oktobar 19, 2011, 05:41:15 »
... a za to vreme na korporativnoj TV:
Death is as close as our breath. - Ajahn Chah


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #112 poslato: Oktobar 21, 2011, 03:15:51 »
Sve što se prikaže na Tv'u nije slučajno prikazano kao tako, čim sam video da se o protestima u Americi govori otvoreno, slobodno i svuda značilo je da nije sve tako kako izgleda, evo ovaj čovek priča baš o tome.. " Američka revolucija " - pobuna protiv Vol Strita
Mislim se nešto i sve mi deluje ko da se planiraju neka velika masna dela..  :sesir


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #113 poslato: Oktobar 24, 2011, 12:54:04 »
Besplatna lieratura na s-h jeziku:
put je dug, vremena je malo


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  • paper is the new internet
Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #115 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2011, 00:28:38 »
Nekada je pre gledanja filma korisno znati ko ga je finansirao. Film mi je delovao izuzetno jednostrano pa sam pogledao ko ga je snimio i video da je u pitanju sajentološka crkva. Njihov loš odnos prema psihijatriji ne čudi jer se osnivač sajentologije, L. Ron Hubbard, bavio psihijatrijom, ali su psihijatrijski časopisi odbijali da mu objave radove.
Više informacija na:

Ali ipak, psihijatrija zna itekako biti zloupotrebljavana. Izvesna norveška organizacija je napisala izveštaj o tome kako je u Norveškoj oko 45% slučajeva psihijatrijskog zbrinjavanja prisilno, dok je u ostalim zemljama oko 5-15%. Jednostavno, oni proglase ludim one koji otkrivaju korupciju u državi (dijagnoza: paranoja) i na sledećoj listi borbe protiv korupcije u svetu, eto njih na prvom mestu!  :andjeo: Kod njih, whistleblower može da očekuje ludačku košulju, a ne pres konferenciju.  :zeleni: Njihovim rečima:

In the case of Remøy, the argument for hospitalising him, tells a lot. This is what Bjørn Martin Aasen, municipal doctor in Herøy, and former secretary in one of the departments of Gro Harlem Brundtland’s government, wrote to justify coercive hospitalisation:

“He belongs to a civil network with both local, national, and international connections, which purpose is to disclose criminal things, happening in the public sector, and to get things on to a more productive track. In my opinion the requirements in lph 3 are fulfilled” (Lph 3’ is a shortage for the Law on Mental Care).

Death is as close as our breath. - Ajahn Chah


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #116 poslato: Oktobar 27, 2011, 21:09:33 »
Into the Wild
lep film o mladom čoveku koji je u želji da pobegne od civilizacije umro na Aljasci. Film je režirao Sean Penn prema knjizi Jon Krakauer-a.

Into the Wild - Trailer
put je dug, vremena je malo


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  • paper is the new internet
Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #117 poslato: Novembar 02, 2011, 23:03:55 »
... a za to vreme na korporativnoj TV:

Evo klipa koji najbolje ilustruje da ljudi koji protestuju možda i znaju zašto protestuju:
New York Observer: Exclusive "Occupy Wall Street" Unaired Fox Footage
transkript (novinar se slabije čuje):
The speaker giving Fox News the buisness is Jesse LaGreca, a vocal member of the Occupy Wall Street protests. This video comes courtesy of Kyle Christopher from‘s media team.

Now, no news organization is under obligation to air every interview they’ve filmed, especially when it makes them look bad. But you’d think that a “Fair and Balanced” network (that tells an interviewee that they are here to give them fair coverage to get any message they’d like to get out) would try to include at least a couple of opposing viewpoints to Mr. Shulz’s smarmy jokes or O’Reilly’s “infiltration” of the camp.

The ball is in your court, Fox.


Updated 10/3 11:00a.m.: Now with transcript of the video

Fox: Jesse, so Ray, your partner here, your ..

Ray: comrade.

Fox: Your colleague, she’d seen the protests in Greece and Europe and elsewhere. Did you guys take your cue from that? Are you hoping to cite certainly what was a lot of the tension, if not police activity. I know over the weekend there were over 100 arrests and you guys got things fired up. Are you taking your cues from the international movement and how do you want to see this? If you could have it in a perfect way, how would it be?

Jesse: Well I don’t know, its really difficult to answer questions leading to those conclusions. I’d say that we didn’t take our cue leading off of anybody really. It became a more spontaneous movement. As far as seeing this end, I wouldn’t like to see this end. I would like to see the conversation continue. This is what we should have been talking about in 2008 when the economy collapsed. We basically patched a hole on the tire and said let the car keep rolling. Unfortunately it’s fun to talk to the propaganda machine and the media especially conservative media networks such as yourself, because we find that we cant get conversations for the department of Justice’s ongoing investigation of News Corporation, for which you are an employee. But we can certainly ask questions like you know, why are the poor engaging in class warfare? After 30 years of having our living standards decrease while the wealthiest 1% have had it better than ever, I think it’s time for some maybe, I don’t know, participation in our democracy that isn’t funded by news cameras and gentlemen such as yourself.

Fox: But, uh, yeah well, let me give you this challenge Jesse.

Jesse: Sure.

Fox: We’re here giving you an opportunity on the record […] to put any
message you want out there, to give you fair coverage and I’m not
going to in any way

Jesse: That’s awesome!

Fox:…give you advice about it. So, there is an exception in the case, because you wouldn’t be able to get your message out there without us.

Jesse: No, surely, I mean, take for instance when Glenn Beck was doing his protest and he called the President, uh, a person who hates white people and white culture. That was a low moment in Americans’ history and you guys kinda had a big part in it. So, I’m glad to see you coming around and kind of paying attention to what the other 99 percent of Americans are paying attention to, as opposed to the far-right fringe, who who would just love to destroy the middle class entirely.

Fox: Alright, fair enough. You have a voice, an important reason to criticize myself, my company and anyone else. But, let me ask you that, in fairness, does this administration, President Obama, have any criticism as to the the financial situation the country’s in…?

Jesse: I think, myself, uh, as well as many other people, would like to see a little but more economic justice or social justice—Jesus stuff—as far as feeding the poor, healthcare for the sick. You know, I find it really entertaining that people like to hold the Bill of Rights up while they’re screaming at gay soldiers, but they just can’t wrap their heads around the idea that a for-profit healthcare system doesn’t work. So, let’s just look at it like this, if we want the President to do more, let’s talk to him on a level that actually reaches people, instead of asking for his birth certificate and wasting time with total nonsense like Solyndra.
Death is as close as our breath. - Ajahn Chah


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Odg: PADAJ SILO I NEPRAVDO -- teme o socio-ekonomskom oslobodjenju
« Odgovor #119 poslato: Decembar 09, 2011, 22:48:59 »
Sve što vam kažu preko medija je 100% tačno! Trošite, trošite, trošite! Tako da nam ne ostane nijedan delić ove planete da ga potrošimo! Kupujte stvari koje vam ne trebaju. To je najbolji način da podržite privredu! Smeh je loš za privredu! Molimo vas, nemojte da se smejete! -- Vrlo je važno da se deca treniraju u ubijanju i masakriranju. Zato, dođite i kupite neku igru sa dosta ubijanja i ratnih razaranja -- Nezavisna radna snaga vodi u haos! Razmišljanje je dosadno, razmišljanje je težak rad i razbacivanje energije! -- Meditacija je traćenje vremena koje inače možete iskoristiti za kupovinu! Nesrećni ljudi kupuju više! Zato održavajte svoju nesreću najbolje što možete! itd. itd.

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