Hvala Sati. Da li ti prevodiš sa Pali na naš? Hvala ti za taj Pali termin lokuttara za koju sam našao sljedeću definiciju:
A technical term of the A bhidhamma . The earliest B uddhist literature describes four grades of saint, collectively known ask ‘nobles’ ( ariya ; Sanskrit: arya ): stream-enterer, once-returner, never-returner and A rahat . Having perfected the training in external morality (S ila ), all are free from the danger of an unpleasant rebirth. All have seen the Buddhist goal and are as a result free from doubt and opinion (D itthi ). In abhidhamma, lokuttara (Sanskrit: lokottara ) (literally ‘supramundane’, i.e. transcendent) refers to the type of consciousness, occurring initially as a momentary flash, which transforms the individual permanently into a ‘noble’. It is the culmination of Buddhist meditation practice (B havana ), uniting in a harmonious balance the two aspects of calm and insight. Lokuttara mind involves a direct realization of the unconditioned and, being quite free of any trace of defilement, cannot give rise to any attachment and necessarily erodes unskilful tendencies (cf. S kilful means ).
Nekako mi "intuitivni uvid" najbolje odgovara poslje čitanja te definicije.