Autor Tema: Prevodi  (Pročitano 38061 puta)


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« Odgovor #45 poslato: Januar 27, 2012, 18:01:30 »
FortyThe natural laws of the universe are inviolable: Energy condenses into substance. Food is eaten through the mouth and not the nose. A person who neglects to breathe will turn blue and die. Some things simply can't be dismissed. It is also a part of the cosmic law that what you say and do determines what happens in your life. The ordinary person thinks that this law is external to himself and he feels confined and controlled by it. So his desires trouble his mind, his mind troubles his spirit, and he lives in constant turmoil with himself and the world. His whole life is spent in struggling. The superior person recognizes that he and the subtle law are one. Therefore he cultivates himself to accord with it, bringing moderation to his actions and clarity to his mind. Doing this, he finds himself at one with all that is divine and enlightened. His days are passed drinking in serenity and breathing out contentment. This is the profound, simple truth: You are the master of your life and death. What you do is what you are.

Prirodni zakoni su neizbezni: Engerija se zgusnjava u masu.
Hrana se jede na usta, a ne kroz nos.
Osoba koja ne dise, poplavi i umre.
Neke stvari nije moguce izbeci.
Kosmicki zakon jos ukazuje da ono sto govorite i radite, odredjuje sta ce vam se dogadjati u zivotu.
Obicna osoba misli da su ovi zakoni van nje, da je sputavaju i kontrolisu.
Njene strati muce njen um, um muci njen duh, zivi u stalnom previranju sa sobom i svetom.
Ceo zivot je borba.
Uzvisena osoba prepoznaje da su ona i suptilni zakon jedno.
Razvija se u skladu sa njim i njene akcije postaju smirenije, a shvatanje jasnije.
Postupajuci ovako, postaje jedno sa svim sto je uzviseno i prosvetljeno.
Dane provodi upijajuci mir i odisuci zadovoljstvom.
Ovo je jednostavna, ali duboka istina, vi ste gospodari vaseg zivota i smrti.
Postajete ono sto cinite.



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« Odgovor #46 poslato: Januar 28, 2012, 14:31:05 »
Forty-OneGood and bad, self and others, life and death: Why affirm these concepts? Why deny them? To do either is to exercise the mind, and the integral being knows that the manipulations of the mind are dreams, delusions, and shadows. Hold one idea, and another competes with it. Soon the two will be in conflict with a third, and in time your life is all chatter and contradiction. Seek instead to keep your mind undivided. Dissolve all ideas into the Tao.


Dobro i lose, ja i drugi, zivot i smrt.
Zasto potvrdjivati ove ideje? Zasto ih negirati?
I jedno i drugo je angazovanje uma, a izvorno bice zna da su delovanja uma snovi, iluzije i senke.
Drzite se jedne ideje i druga je negira.
Uskoro ce obe biti u konfliktu sa trecom, a vas zivot vremenom postaje rasprava i kontradikcija.
Umesto toga, tezite da vam um ne bude podeljen.
Rastvorite sve ideje u Tao.


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« Odgovor #47 poslato: Januar 28, 2012, 16:28:18 »
Forty-TwoNothing in the realm of thoughts or ideologies is absolute. Lean on one for long, and it collapses. Because of this, there is nothing more futile and frustrating than relying on the mind. To arrive at the unshakable, you must befriend the Tao. To do this, quiet your thinking. Stop analyzing, dividing, making distinctions between one thing and another. Simply see that you are at the center of the universe, and accept all things and beings as parts of your infinite body. When you perceive that an act done to another is done to yourself, you have understood the great truth.


U svetu misli i ideja nista nije apsolutno.
Osloni se predugo na jednu ideju i srusice se.
Zbog ovoga nema nicega uzaludnijeg i razocaravajuceg od oslanjanja na um.
Da bi se doslo do nepromenljivog, morate se sprijateljiti sa Tao-om.
Da bi ste to postigli, umirite svoje misli.
Prestanite analizirati, deliti, praviti razlike izmedju stvari.
Jednostavno vidite da ste u sredistu sveta i prihvatite sve stvari i bica kao deo vaseg beskrajnog tela.
Kada shvatite da je delo ucinjeno drugom, delo ucinjeno sebi, razumeli ste veliku istinu.


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« Odgovor #48 poslato: Januar 28, 2012, 19:48:57 »
Forty-ThreeIn ancient times, people lived holistic lives. They didn't overemphasize the intellect, but integrated mind, body, and spirit in all things. This allowed them to become masters of knowledge rather than victims of concepts. If a new invention appeared, they looked for the troubles it might cause as well as the shortcuts it offered. They valued old ways that had been proven effective, and they valued new ways if they could be proven effective. If you want to stop being confused, then emulate these ancient folk: join your body, mind, and spirit in all you do. Choose food, clothing, and shelter that accords with nature. Rely on your own body for transportation. Allow your work and your recreation to be one and the same. Do exercise that develops your whole being and nor just your body. Listen to music that bridges the three spheres of your being. Choose leaders for their virtue rather than their wealth or power. Serve others and cultivate yourself simultaneously. Understand that true growth comes from meeting and solving the problems of life in a way that is harmonizing to yourself and to others. If you can follow these simple old ways, you will be continually renewed.


U davna vremena, ljudi su vodili celovite zivote.
Nisu naglasavali razmisljanje, vec  jedinstvo uma, tela i duha u svemu.
To im je omogucilo da postanu majstori znanja, a ne zrtve pojmova.
Ako bi se pojavio novi izum, istrazivali su koje mane ima, isto kao i prednosti koje donosi.
Cenili su stare nacine koji supotvrdjeni kao dobri i cenili su nove nacine koji mogu da se potvrde kao dobri.
Ako ne zelite da budete zbunjieni, onda oponasajte drevne ljude: ujedinte um, telo i duh u svemu sto radite.
Birajte hranu, odecu i smestaj koji je u skladu sa prirodom.
Krecite se sto vise mozete.
Neka vam rad i razonoda budu isto.
Vezbajte tako da razvijate celo svoje bice, ne samo svoje telo.
Slusajte muziku koja spaja sve tri sfere vaseg bica.
Birajte vodje po njihovim vrlinama, a ne zbog njihovog bogatstva ili moci.
Sluzite drugima i razvijajte sebe u isto vreme.
Pravi rast nastupa tek kad se suocimo i resimo probleme tako da stvaramo harmoniju i za sebe i za druge.
Ako mozete postovati ove jednostavne stare nacine, bicete stalno obnavljani.



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« Odgovor #49 poslato: Januar 29, 2012, 20:19:00 »
Forty-FourThis is the nature of the unenlightened mind: The sense organs, which are limited in scope and ability, randomly gather information. This partial information is arranged into judgements, which are based on previous judgements, which are usually based on someone else's foolish ideas. These false concepts and ideas are then stored in a highly selective memory system. Distortion upon distortion: the mental energy flows constantly through contorted and inappropriate channels, and the more one uses the mind, the more confused one becomes. To eliminate the vexation of the mind, it doesn't help to do something; this only reinforces the mind's mechanics. Dissolving the mind is instead a matter of not-doing: Simply avoid becoming attached to what you see and think. Relinquish the notion that you are separated from the all-knowing mind of the universe. Then you can recover your original pure insight and see through all illusions. Knowing nothing, you will be aware of everything. Remember: because clarity and enlightenment are within your own nature, they are regained without moving an inch.


Neprosvetljeni um se oslanja na cula, ogranicenog opsega i sposobnosti, koja nasumicno prikupljaju informacije.
Ove nasumicno naslagane informacije su organizovane u stavove, koji se naslanjaju na prethodno stecene stavove, bazirane na necijim nepromisljenim idejama.
Pogresni stavovi i ideje se potom skladiste u veoma selektivan sistem pamcenja.
Greska na gresku, mentalna energija stalno prolazi kroz iskrivljene i neprikladne kanale, a sto neko vise koristi um, to postaje zbunjeniji.
Da bi se otklonile mane uma, ne vredi da se nesto uradi, to samo ucvrscuje umne procese.
Um se rastvara necinjenjem, jednostavno izbegavajte da se vezete za ono sto vidite i mislite.
Odreknite se ideje da ste odvojeni od sveznajuceg uma sveta.
Onda mozete povratiti svoj izvorni cisti uvid i prozreti sve iluzije.
Znajuci nista, bicete svesni svega.
Posto su jasnost i prosvetljenost u vasoj prirodi, oni se vracaju bez delovanja.


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« Odgovor #50 poslato: Januar 30, 2012, 14:40:21 »
Forty-FiveIf you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. This is true because the mind is the governing aspect of a human life. If the river flows clearly and cleanly through the proper channel, all will be well along its banks. The Integral Way depends on decreasing, not increasing; To correct your mind, rely on not-doing. Stop thinking and clinging to complications; keep your mind detached and whole. Eliminate mental muddiness and obscurity; keep your mind crystal clear. Avoid daydreaming and allow your pure original insight to emerge. Quiet your emotions and abide in serenity. Don't go crazy with the worship of idols, images, and ideas; this is like putting a new head on top of the head you already have. Remember: if you can cease all restless activity, your integral nature will appear.


Ako ispravis svoj um, tvoj zivot ce sam doci na svoje mesto.
Ovo je tacno, jer je um upravljajuci aspekt covekovog zivota.
Ako je reka bistra i bez prepreka u koritu, sve ce biti dobro na njenim obalama.
Put zavisi od smanjenja, ne povecanja; Da bi ispravio svoj um osloni se na nedolovanje.
Prestani da mislis i da se vezujes za komplikacije; Neka ti um bude odvojen i ceo.
Odstrani mentalnu zamucenost i nejasnocu; Neka ti um bude cist.
Izbegavaj sanjarenje i dozvoli svom cistom izvornom uvidu da se pojavi.
Umiri svoje emocije i ostani smiren.
Nemoj preterivati u obozavanju idola, slika i ideja; To je kao da stavljas novu glavu na onu koju vec imas.
Zapamti: Ako mozes zaustaviti sve uznemiravajuce aktivnosti, tvoja izvorna priroda ce se pojaviti.



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« Odgovor #51 poslato: Januar 30, 2012, 14:57:23 »
Forty-SixThe Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things. Now forget this. The complete whole is the complete whole. So also is any part the complete whole. Forget this, too. Pain and happiness are simply conditions of the ego. Forget the ego. Time and space are changing and dissolving, not fixed and real. They can be thought of as accessories, but don't think of them. Supernatural beings without form extend their life force throughout the universe to support beings both formed and unformed. But never mind this; the supernatural is just a part of nature, like the natural. The subtle truth emphasizes neither and includes both. All truth is in tai chi: to cultivate the mind, body, or spirit, simply balance the polarities. If people understood this, world peace and universal harmony would naturally arise. But forget about understanding and harmonizing and making all things one. The universe is already a harmonious oneness; just realize it. If you scramble about in search of inner peace, you will lose your inner peace.


Tao stvara Jedno. Jedno stvara Yin i Yang. Yin i Yang stvaraju sve. Sad zaboravite to.
Kompletna celina je kompletna celina, isto kao i bilo koji deo kompletne celine. Zaboravite i ovo, takodje.
Bol i sreca su stanja ega. Zaboravite ego.
Vreme i prostor su nestalni i promenljivi, a ne stabilni i stvarni.  O njima se moze misliti kao o pomagalima, ali ne mislite o njima.
Natprirodna bica bez oblika, sire svoju zivotnu energiju kroz ceo svet pomazuci bicima i sa oblikom i bez oblika.
Ali to nije vazno, natprirodno je deo prirode, kao i prirodno. Prikrivena istina ne podrzava ni jedno, a obuhvata oba.
Sva istina je u Tai Chi-u, da bi ste razvili um, telo i duh, samo uravnotezite krajnosti.
Kad bi ljudi ovo razumeli, svetski mir i harmonija bi se prirodno uspostavili.
Ali zaboravite razumevanje i harmonizovanje svega u jedno.
Svet je vec harmonicna celina, samo postanite svesni toga.
Ako trazite unutrasnji mir, izgubicete ga.



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« Odgovor #52 poslato: Januar 31, 2012, 01:28:53 »
Forty-SevenDualistic thinking is a sickness. Religion is a distortion. Materialism is cruel. Blind spirituality is unreal. Chanting is no more holy than listening to the murmur of a stream, counting prayer beads no more sacred than simply breathing, religious robes no more spiritual than work clothes. If you wish to attain oneness with the Tao, don't get caught up in spiritual superficialities. Instead, live a quiet and simple life, free of ideas and concepts. Find contentment in the practice of undiscriminating virtue, the only true power. Giving to others selflessly and anonymously, radiating light throughout the world and illuminating your own darknesses, your virtue becomes a sanctuary for yourself and all beings. This is what is meant by embodying the Tao.

Dualizam je bolest. Religija je deformisanje. Materijalizam je okrutan. Slepa duhovnost nerealna.
Mantra nije svetija od zubora potoka, brojanje brojanice nije svetije od disanja, religiozna odeca nije svetija od radne.
Ako zelite da dostignete jedinstvo sa Tao-om, ne hvatajte se za duhovnu povrsnost.
Umesto toga, zivite jednostavan i smiren zivot, slobodni od ideja i pojmova.
Nadjite zadovoljstvo u nedeskriminisucoj vrlini, jedinoj pravoj moci.
Dajuci drugima nesebicno i anonimno, sireci svetlost kroz svet i osvetljavajuci sopstvenu tamu, vasa vrlina postaje utociste i vama i svim bicima.
Ovo je otelotvorenje Tao-a.


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« Odgovor #53 poslato: Februar 01, 2012, 01:00:43 »
Forty-Eight Do you wish to free yourself of mental and emotional knots and become one with the Tao? If so, there are two paths available to you. The first is the path of acceptance. Affirm everyone and everything. Freely extend your goodwill and virtue in every direction, regardless of circumstances. Embrace all things as part of the Harmonious Oneness, and then you will begin to perceive it. The second path is that of denial. Recognize that everything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth. Peel all the veils away, and you will arrive at the Oneness. Though these paths are entirely different, they will deliver you to the same place: spontaneous awareness of the Great Oneness. Once you arrive there, remember: it isn't necessary to struggle to maintain unity with it. All you have to do is participate in it.


Da li zelite da se oslobodite mentalnih i emotivnih cvorava i da postanete jedno sa Tao-om?
Ako zelite postoje dva puta kojima mozete ici.
Prvi je put prihvatanja.
Potvrditi sve i svakoga.
Slobodno prosirite svoju dobru volju i vrlinu na sve strane, bez obzira na okolnosti.
Prihvatite sve kao deo Harmonicne Jednine i onde cete poceti da je uvidjate.
Drugi je put odricanja.
Prepoznajte da je sve sto vidite i mislite netacno, iluzija, veo preko istine.
Skinite sve velove i stici cete do Jednine.
Iako su ovi putevi potpuno drugaciji, dovesce vas da istog cilja, spontane svesnosti Velike Jednine.
Kad je jedno dosgnete, setite se da nije neophodno borite se kako bi je zadrzali.
Sve sto treba je da ucestvujete u njoj.


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« Odgovor #54 poslato: Februar 01, 2012, 01:07:50 »
Forty-NineThinking and talking about the Integral Way are not the same as practicing it. Who ever became a good rider by talking about horses? If you wish to embody the Tao, stop chattering and start practicing. Relax your body and quiet your senses. Return your mind to its original clarity. Forget about being separated from others and from the Divine Source. As you return to the Oneness, do not think of it or be in awe of it. This is just another way of separating from it. Simply merge into truth, and allow it to surround you.


Misliti i razmisljati o Putu nije isto sto ici njime.
Ko je postao dobar jahac govoreci o konjima?
Ako zelite da otelotvorite Tao, prestanite brbljati i krenite ka njemu.
Opustite telo i umirite svoja cula.
Vratite umu izvornu cistocu.
Zaboravite da ste odvojeni od drugih i od Uzvisenog Izvora.
Dok se vracate u Jedninu, ne mislite o njoj i ne budite zadivljeni njom.
To je samo jos jedan nacin da se odvojite od nje.
Samo se stopite sa istinom i dozvolite da vas obavije.


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« Odgovor #55 poslato: Februar 01, 2012, 19:01:45 »
FiftyWhat good is it to spend your life accumulating material things? It isn't in keeping with the Tao. What benefit in conforming your behavior to someone's conventions? It violates your nature and dissipates your energy. Why separate your spiritual life and your practical life? To an integral being, there is no such distinction. Live simply and virtuously, true to your nature, drawing no line between what is spiritual and what is not. Ignore time. Relinquish ideas and concepts. Embrace the Oneness. This is the Integral Way.


Kakva je korist od gomilanja materijalnih stvari?
To nije u skladu sa Tao-om.
Kakva je korist prilagodjavanja vaseg ponasanja propisima drugih?
To narusava vasu prirodu i rastura vasu energiju.
Zasto odvajati vas duhovni od svetovnog zivota?
Izvorno bice ne pravi ove razlike.
Zivite jednostavno i moralno, u skladu sa svojom prirodom, ne praveci razliku izmedju duhovnog i neduhovnog.
Ignorisite vreme. Odbacite ideje i koncepte. Prihvatite Jedninu. To je Put.


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« Odgovor #56 poslato: Februar 02, 2012, 12:25:47 »
Fifty-OneThose who want to know the truth of the universe should practice the four cardinal virtues. The first is reverence for all life; this manifests as unconditional love and respect for oneself and all other beings. The Second is natural sincerity; this manifests as honesty, simplicity, and faithfulness. The third is gentleness; this manifests as kindness, consideration for others, and sensitivity to spiritual truth. The fourth is supportiveness; this manifests as service to others without expectation of reward. The four virtues are not an external dogma but a part of your original nature. When practiced, they give birth to wisdom and evoke the five blessings: health, wealth, happiness, longevity, and peace.


Ko zeli da zna istinu, treba da praktikuje cetiri osnovne vrline.
Prva je naklonost prema svim oblicima zivota, ona se izrazava kroz neuslovljenu ljubav i postovanje prema sebi i svim drugim bicima.
Druga je prirodna iskrenost, ona se izrazava kroz postenje, jednostavnost i odanost.
Treca je blagost, ona se ispoljava kroz ljubaznost, uvazavanje drugih i prijemcljivost za duhovnu istinu.
Cetvrta je pruzanje podrske, ona se izrava kroz pruzanje pomoci drugima bez ocekivanja nagrade.
Cetiri istine nisu spoljna dogma, vec deo vase izvorne prirode.
Kada se praktikuju radjaju mudrost i donose pet blagoslova: zdravlje, bogatstvo, srecu, dugovecnost i mir.


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« Odgovor #57 poslato: Februar 03, 2012, 01:48:02 »
Fifty-Two Do you think you can clear your mind by sitting constantly in silent meditation? This makes your mind narrow, not clear. Integral awareness is fluid and adaptable, present in all places and at all times. That is true meditation. Who can attain clarity and simplicity by avoiding the world? The Tao is clear and simple, and it doesn't avoid the world. Why not simply honor your parents, love your children, help your brothers and sisters, be faithful to your friends, care for your mate with devotion, complete your work cooperatively and joyfully, assume responsibility for problems, practice virtue without first demanding it of others, understand the highest truths yet retain an ordinary manner? That would be true clarity, true simplicity, true mastery.


Da li mislite da ce stalnim sedenjem u tihoj meditacij vas um postati jasan?
To cini vas um uskim, ne jasnim.
Izvorna svest je pokretljiva, prilagodljiva, prisutna na svim mestina i u svim trenutcima.
To je prava meditacija.
Ko moze izbegavanjem sveta postici jasnost i jednostavnost?
Tao je jasan i jednostavan i ne izbegava svet.
Zasto jednostavno ne postujete svoje roditelje, volite svoju decu, pomazete svojoj braci i sestrama, budete odani svojim prijateljima, brinete o svom partneru sa predanoscu, obavite svoj posao radosno u saradnji sa drugima, preuzmete odgovornost za svoje probleme, iskazete vrlinu ne ocekujuci je prvo od drugih, razumete najvise istine, a ostanete skromnog ponasanja?
To bi bila prava jasnoca, prava jednostavnost, prava umesnost.



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« Odgovor #58 poslato: Februar 03, 2012, 01:51:58 »
Fifty-ThreeTrue understanding in a person has two attributes: awareness and action. Together they form a natural tai chi. Who can enjoy enlightenment and remain indifferent to suffering in the world? This is not in keeping with the Way. Only those who increase their service along with their understanding can be called men and women of Tao.


Pravo razumevanja ima dva atributa: svesnost i akciju.
Zajedno formiraju prirodni tai chi.
Ko moze uzivati u prosvetljenosti, a ostati ravnodusan na patnje u svetu?
To nije u skladu sa Putem.
Samo oni koji povecavaju svoju pomoc, dok uvecavaju svoje razumevanje mogu se nazvati muskracima i zenama Tao-a.



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« Odgovor #59 poslato: Februar 03, 2012, 01:59:13 »
Fifty-FourIn ancient times, various holistic sciences were developed by highly evolved beings to enable their own evolution and that of others. These subtle arts were created through the linking of individual minds with the universal mind. They are still taught by traditional teachers to those who display virtue and desire to assist others. The student who seeks our and studies these teachings furthers the evolution of mankind as well as her own spiritual unfolding. The student who ignores them hinders the development of all beings.


U davna vremena, visoko razvijena bica su razvila razna ucenja o celovitosti, da bi olaksala svoj razvoj, kao i razvoj drugih.
Ove tanane umetnosti su nastale kroz spajanje individualnog uma sa univerzalnim umom.
Njih i dalje poducavaju tradicionalni ucitelji, ucenicima koji pokazu vrlinu i zelju da pomazu drugima.
Ucenik koji trazi i proucava ova ucenja pomaze razvoj covecanstva, kao i svoj duhovni razvoj.
Ucenik koji ih ignorise steti razvoju svih bica.