Day 1 / May 13 : Share “Our best things come from others.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Before announcing the kindness theme for the day, the first in the 12 Days of Kindness, I’m thrilled to say that it’s Melinda’s 50th birthday today. Happy birthday to you, my best friend. Here’s to 50 more (and several of these in France, ok??)!!
Now as we get started on 12 consecutive days of kindness themes, I ask you to employ one of the all-time basic kindness concepts and one of the major themes of childhood, sharing.
Typically, in childhood, this has to do with toys or supplies or food, all of which are fine things to share in the spirit of this theme. But also consider things you can share that may not be physical items, like your wisdom or knowledge.
Do not feel like you have to share anything “big”. An important part of these themes is to become familiar with doing what is sincere to YOU, not as a show for others.
Also, please consider posting what you do to complete this theme below. In doing this, we ALL get to learn from and benefit from each others’ actions. Heck, it’s even another form of sharing, right? Thanks!!
Bonus: Try using this theme to see how true sharing actually increases the amount we all have.