I jedan zanimljiv citat iz knjige:
"Attention (prosoche) is the fundamental Stoic spiritual attitude. It is a continuous vigilance and presence of mind, self consciousness which never sleeps, and a constant tension of the spirit. Thanks to this attitude, the philosopher is fully aware of what he does at each instant, and he wills his actions fully."
Eto ti mindfulness

Epiktet je inače pažnji posvetio celu jednu raspravu, na čijem početku upozorava da je ne smemo zanemariti i misliti "lako ćemo":

"When you relax your attention for a little while, do not imagine that whenever you choose you will recover it, but bear this in mind, that because of the mistake which you have made to-day, your condition must necessarily be worse as regards everything else. For, to begin with and this is the worst of all a habit of not paying attention is developed; and after that a habit of deferring attention ; and always you grow accustomed to putting off from one ime to another tranquil and appropriate living, the life in accordance with nature, and persistence in that life. Now if the postponement of such matters is profitable, it is still more profitable to abandon them altogether; but if it is not profitable, why do you not maintain your attention continuously?..."