Autor Tema: Coursera: Know thyself  (Pročitano 3894 puta)


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Coursera: Know thyself
« poslato: Mart 07, 2013, 12:58:20 »

hteo sam da javim da je ove nedelje poceo serijal predavanja iz filozofije pod naslovom "Know Thyself" na sajtu
Ako niste ranije culi za Coursera, na tom sajtu potpuno besplatno mozete pratiti prave ispite sa vrlo uglednih Univerziteta.

Sve sto treba jeste da napravite login i izaberete ispit. Predavanja su snimljeni video, materijal za citanje je obicno dostupan za besplatan download. Predavanja se postavljaju nekim tempom (obicno jednom nedeljno) i idu u realnom vremenu u smislu da postoji vreme do kada ispit mozete "poloziti" (simbolicno), ukoliko zelite da interagujete sa profesorom i asistentima. Ukoliko vas to ne interesuje, video predavanja mozete pogledati i kasnije, pod uslovom da ste se prijavili za ispit dok je ispit tekao na internetu.

Mitchell Green
An investigation of the nature and limits of self-knowledge from the viewpoints of philosophy, psychoanalysis, experimental psychology, neuroscience, aesthetics, and Buddhism.  Readings are drawn from classical Western, non-Western, and contemporary sources

Week 1 (March 4-8) Introduction; aims and guidelines for course; basic concepts; Socrates and the value of the examined life.
Suggested reading: Plato, ‘The Apology’
Week 2 (March 11-15) Descartes, the mind-body problem, and introspection
Suggested reading: Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy
Week 3 (March 18-22) Gilbert Ryle, the Ghost in the Machine, and category mistakes
Suggested reading: Selections from Ryle, The Concept of Mind.
Week 4 (March 25-29) Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
Suggested reading: Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis.
Week 5 (April 1-5) Recent work on the unconscious: the “adaptive unconscious”
Suggested reading: Wilson, Strangers to Ourselves (Harvard) & Wilson and Bar-Anan ‘The Unseen Mind’ & Wilson and Gilbert ‘Affective Forecasting: Knowing What To Want’
Week 6 (April 8-12) Neuroscience, emotions and somatic markers
Suggested reading: Damasio, Descartes’ Error (Putnam)
Week 7 (April 15-19) Self-deception
Suggested reading: Mele, Self-Deception Unmasked (Princeton)
Week 8 (April 22-26) Zen Buddhism, archery, and koans
Suggested reading: Herrigel, Zen in the Art of Archery
Week 9 (April 29-May 3) Indian Buddhism and the self
Suggested reading: Siderits, Buddhism as Philosophy
Week 10 (May 6-10) Self-knowledge and self-transformation
Suggested reading: to be announced


  • Punopravni član
  • ***
  • Poruke: 114
  • Karma: +56/-0
  • Pol: Muškarac
Odg: Coursera: Know thyself
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Mart 07, 2013, 13:08:42 »
Jos samo da dodam, da za svaki ispit postoji i link na Discussion forum, gde se spontano caska o materijalu. Sad primetih da za ovaj ispit postoji i "Buddhist study group" i "ex Yu study group" forum :)


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  • Karma: +546/-1
  • Pol: Muškarac
Odg: Coursera: Know thyself
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Mart 07, 2013, 14:53:13 »
Odlična informacija, Milane! Hvala  :to